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2009-09-24 13:35:25 UTC
Sábado, 19 de septiembre, año 2009 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador – Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


Our heavenly Father deposited in Abraham’s and his son Isaac’s human
spirit little by little the amazing supernatural “Holy Spirit of His
personal unfailing love for His Son Jesus Christ”, the King Messiah
for Israel to come into the world, for forgiveness of sin and the
beginning of a brand-new blissful life filled with salvation-love for
the multitude of nations. Eventually, this happened the day Abraham
took his son Isaac to Moriah’s mountaintop to present him as a blood
sacrifice filled with pain and yet with a powerful out pouring of
love, towards our heavenly Father in heaven, so His Holy Spirit of
unfailing love may enter into the human spirit for the first time to
stay eternally.

(Israel and everyone else everywhere all over the world for these days
and for ages to come: Let us all live in this wonderful and
supernatural Holy Spirit of unfailing love, so we may live and never
die forever on earth and in paradise. Yes, let us see how we may do it
without delay: thus to please our heavenly Father’s holiest pleasure
of His infinite heart for all eternity. Live in this celestial love
with its glorious supernatural blissful every day power, it is all ours
—thanks to Abraham and his only son Isaac’s initial supreme atoning-
blood sacrifice—that shed many tears with pain and human spirit’s love
over the Moriah’s summit for our heavenly Father’s heart pleasure for
truth, love, righteousness and fulfillment for our eternal perfect

For our heavenly Father so loved the world that He gave His only
begotten Son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have
everlasting life in this life and in the next life to come eternal
peace and glory without end for him and his loved ones. Because, our
heavenly Father did not send His Son to the world to condemn it but to
save it from Satan’s darkness and allies with His Holy Spirit’s
ancient unfailing love, so the human spirit may escape eternal
damnation; then, for that reason there is no judgment waiting for
those that believe in Him through His Son Jesus Christ.

This is our heavenly Father’s Salvation Gospel filled with the eternal
love from the Kingdom of heaven’s ancient love story between a loving
Father and His Son that would not only erase darkness from the earth
and humankind, but it will bless mightily the souls of men that would
believe in Him and His Son, Jesus Christ for deliverance. Moreover,
our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit of His eternal unfailing love is
very active these days thus not only to touch our hearts, souls,
minds, bodies and human spirit with His supernatural powers of
miracles and great signs to bless us mightily, but also our loved ones
and friend as well within our homeland and everywhere all over the

Truly, there is no other salvation possible for the human spirit from
Satan’s sins and his powers of deep darkness on earth, in paradise and
even in the netherworld of the dead souls of men, as well, but only
Jesus Christ’s presence within our hearts. That is to say, that these
days Jesus Christ’s love could not only render useless Satan’s sin and
deep darkness but also he can make you so clean from all evils that
you would not only become born again within the supernatural powers of
our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit, but also you will become just like
him indeed: God’s son everlastingly!

Therefore, it is the supernatural power from the Holy Spirit of a
loving Father for His Son Jesus Christ, God’s Lamb, that destroys sin
from the world daily, that set us free from Satan’s sins and his wilds
when we believe within our heart and confess with our lips His holy
name, the name of the Holy One of Israel! Truthfully, our heart’s
faith of confessing Jesus Christ’s anointed name is what sparks our
heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit of love within our hearts and living
souls on this earth and in paradise, so we may return to our first
home in heaven, the heart of our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit
in the ancient angelic Kingdom of heaven.

This Holy Spirit of our heavenly Father’s love is living among us
these days, and the only thing we have to do to get into our hearts
and living souls, so it may become part of our entire human spirit and
body, is by believing and invoking his holy name, the name of Jesus
Christ as the Son of God. Because, by invoking Jesus Christ, anywhere
around the world and even in paradise, we are invoking our heavenly
Father’s Holy Spirit of His unfailing love thus not only to enter into
our hearts but also into everything we own or do on this earth within
our lives, the lives of our loved ones and even of our friends.

That is to say, also that everything we are or do in this life and in
the next one to come is saturated with our heavenly Father’s and of
His Son Jesus Christ’s Holy Spirit of unfailing love, so whatever we
may do then it will for His glory and honor for ever and ever. Meaning
that our heavenly Father’s and of His Son Jesus Christ’s Holy Spirit
of unfailing love rightfully belongs to us forever, because we came
out from Him within our heavenly Father’s and of His Son Jesus
Christ’s holy heart, so we may live for Him in eternal peace and glory
in heaven, always serving and adoring His name for eternity.

We may say also that the reason for our sufferings and troubles in
this life, just as it was for Adam and Eve in paradise, for example,
is since that our heavenly Father’s and of His Son Jesus Christ’s Holy
Spirit of unfailing love is missing within our hearts, bodies and
human spirit for our eternal dismay. That is to say, also that without
our heavenly Father’s and of His Son Jesus Christ’s Holy Spirit of
unfailing love, then loved we are improperly not only by anyone each
day, but also we can never know love within our hearts and human
spirit on earth and paradise; truly, without Jesus Christ we are not
present for our heavenly Father.

Indeed, we lost our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit of unfailing love
for His Son Jesus Christ in paradise when Adam and Eve ate from the
forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil as the
old serpent spoke lies about Him and of His Son Jesus Christ to Eve
first, so Adam may eat and die too. Truly, it was Satan’s lies in the
deceptive mouth of the old serpent that Eve believed first for Adam to
begin to die in paradise and each one of his offspring as you and I
nowadays, so we may never know our heavenly Father’s and of His Son
Jesus Christ’s Holy Spirit of unfailing love for our living souls,

That is to say, that ever since Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden
fruit then we all died, including Jesus Christ on the first crossed
elevated-trees, because our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit of love for
His Son Jesus Christ died within our hearts, souls, bodies and human
spirit, so we may stop living for God’s brand-new heavenly Jerusalem.
Moreover, Satan did these evils not just against our heavenly Father’s
and of His Son Jesus Christ’s Holy Spirit of unfailing love for His
holy angels and for every man, woman and child, beginning with Adam
and Eve in paradise, but also to destroy the brand-new beautiful
blissful-life of the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above, where
everything is peace perpetually.

Here, Satan with his lies he targeted not only to destroy our heavenly
Father’s and His Son Jesus Christ’s Holy Spirit of unfailing love for
His angels and the human spirit overall, but also the brand-new
blissful-life of the brand-new glorious Jerusalem from heaven above,
where God’s dreams will finally come true with each one of us,
forever. However, our heavenly Father had a true weapon bigger than
any other weapon of celestial war to defeat Satan forever and every
one of his lies in the heart of every man, woman and child from the
house of Israel and the nations of the entire world for all the future
generations to come.

Faithfully, this was His Holy Spirit of unfailing love between Him and
His Son Jesus Christ crying out loud throughout the world, beginning
within Israel, nailed to the human spirit of men through Adam’s and
Eve’s crossed trees over Jerusalem’s holy hill to finish with sin and
begin to fill with His Holy Spirit of living grace every sinner
everywhere. Indeed, this was the only way possible for our heavenly
Father to make us live for Him again, by letting His Son Jesus Christ,
filled with His ancient love within his holy-heart, soul, body and
super-human spirit, died nailed to Adam’s and Eve’s dead trees over
Jerusalem’s holy hill, so his shed blood may rescue us today for His

That is to say, also that it is the ancient Holy Spirit of our
heavenly Fathers’ love between Him and His Son Jesus Christ that would
not only give us life eternal again these days, but also it will fill
us with blissful-miracles on earth and heaven, because now we can be
legitimate God’s sons for His coming brand-new glories. Here we
contemplate our heavenly Father starting the life of Israel by
manifesting His Holy Spirit of unfailing love between Him and His Son
Jesus Christ as He did with Abraham and his son Isaac over the
Moriah’s crown, but also this is how He imitated the blissful-life of
the brand-new heavenly Jerusalem with His same Spirit of unfailing

In other words, just as in heaven, the angels thrive daily living
within our heavenly Father’s and His Son Jesus Christ’s Holy Spirit of
unfailing, then He started Israel’s life with Abraham and his son
Isaac over the Moriah’s summit, and then also the brand-new heavenly
Jerusalem’s life with His same Spirit of unfailing-love shedding into
the nations from earthly Jerusalem. That is to say, also that our Lord
Jesus Christ’s Holy Spirit of unfailing love towards our heavenly
Father and each one of His creatures that He personally handmade in
heaven as Adam and his offspring were done indeed to reproduce His
personal image and likeness all over His angelic Kingdom, for the
glory of His holy name on earth.

Because, the fact is that each one of us from all over the earth our
heavenly Father’s hands created us indeed, just as He initially
created Adam and Eve, for example, within His Holy Spirit of unfailing
love thus to love Him only through Jesus Christ His Son in paradise,
on earth and in the brand-new celestial Jerusalem for eternity.
Therefore, without Jesus Christ living within our hearts then exposed
we are not only to Satan’s every day sins, lies, robberies and
uncommonly cruel attacks, but also we die each day until all life
leaves our hearts, souls, bodies, minds and human spirit with a final
descend into the world of the lost souls of men, hell!

And the reason that you will die any day just as any other sinner, it
will be because our heavenly Father’s unfailing love between Him and
His Son does not abide within your heart and human spirit, so you may
live a pleasant life of truth and justice on earth and in paradise,
for Him and His Son Jesus Christ. That is to say, also that for you to
live again in the perfect truth, life and justice of our heavenly
Father’s eternal life, then you must be born of His unfailing love
between Him and His Son Jesus Christ today, because this is the only
love that is supposed to be within you since the day of your celestial-

Undeniably, we are human being created by the our heavenly Father’s
holy hands with the potential to love beyond eternity, but only if we
eat from the bread of life and drink from the cup of the wine of His
Son Jesus Christ, the tree of life for angels and for the entire human
race, beginning with Adam and Eve. That is to say also that when we
eat Jesus Christ’s bread and drink from the wine presented to each one
of us, beginning with the apostles, on the Lord’s table, then we are
not only born again of our heavenly Father’s and of His Son’s Holy
Spirit of unfailing love but also we are powerful in Him for

Initially, our heavenly Father created each one of us in His eternal
holy countenance, and this is His Son’s image and likeness of His
personal Holy Spirit of His unfailing love, so we may live each day of
our entire life loving Him on earth and in the highest heavens,
forever; therefore, our birthplace is heaven to live it now. Nowadays,
you have to return to your first love that began to exist within your
heart in the day our heavenly Father began to form you in His image
and likeness for the glory of His name in heaven, on earth and for the
brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above, so you may live in eternal
harmony with His angelic hosts.

Otherwise, there is no possible way for your heart truly to know or
understand love or anyone’s love, in this life or in the next one to
come, much less you will never be able to live your life to the full,
as it was supposed to be in the beginning of things with you and God
in heaven. Truthfully, without Jesus Christ’s supernatural-grace and
our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit of His unfailing love for the first
creation of His hand that is, indeed, you as a human being in
paradise, on earth or for the brand-new Kingdom to come, you have no
love at all much less life eternal within you with its daily blissful-
blessings without end.

That is why that the Gospel of Salvation of Jesus Christ’s Holy Spirit
comes to you each hour of the day filled with our heavenly Father’s
unfailing love thus not only to forgive your sins but to heal you from
all the enemies’ attacks, so you may live a very rich life on earth
and heaven as well, forever. Literally, this is the real Holy Spirit
of our heavenly Father’s unfailing love, which your heart has been
asking you indeed to find and live in each day of your entire life on
earth; this is true, even since the first days, you began to have the
notion of life within you heart, mind, soul, body and human spirit,
for instance.

That is to say, also that these days your heart’s and life’s emptiness
is the absence of our heavenly Father’s and of His Son’s Holy Spirit
of His everlasting unfailing love for you and your loved ones as well
all over the world, and this is why you fill like dying each day no
matter what you may do in life. And to try to fill this terrible
emptiness of your heart with other things that are not from our
heavenly Father’s and of His Son Jesus Christ’s Holy Spirit of
unfailing love for you and for all the things that surround you, then
you are walking in error, just as Adam and Eve began to walk in error
in paradise.

That is, that our heavenly Father did not create you to walk in
Satan’s errors at all, but in His Son Jesus Christ’s Holy Spirit of
grace and everlasting unfailing love for you, for your loved ones and
friends as well, everywhere around the world and beyond eternity too,
as in the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above, for example.
Nowadays, the only way you will find this missing unfailing love that
you left in paradise in the day Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden
fruit, it will be when you believe within your heart and confess with
your lips the holy name of His Son Jesus Christ; otherwise, you will
continue to live and die only for hell.

Meaning that you will never find your true love in life and much less
God’s eternal life, salvation in this life nor in the next life to
come well into eternity, because His Son’s bread of life and His wine
of your joy and happiness are not within you ever, and this is sin
unto death for anyone these days. For the reason that, those that died
without Jesus Christ, truly, they died in Satan’s kingdom of utter
darkness so they may descend to the lowest parts of the earth, where
the lost souls of men await for their final judgment thus finally to
die justly judged in the lake of fire, the second death for their
damned souls.

Indeed, hell is a place of eternal torment for the condemned souls of
men, where they may not only hunger for God’s bread of life but also
they may thirst for His wine of the true justice, which is the fruit
of life nowadays coming to you without ceasing filled with our
heavenly Father’s unfailing love, Jesus Christ of Nazareth! Today,
nothing can stop you from dying and descending to the dead world of
the condemned souls of men, except you believe within your heart and
confess with your lips the ancient unfailing love between our heavenly
Father and of His Son Jesus Christ, the bread and the wine of life, so
you may live and finally escape hell, forever!

Because, the confession of Jesus Christ with your lips is not only the
rebirth of your living soul, body and human spirit, but also it is the
infilling of the Holy Spirit of our heavenly Father’s ancient
unfailing love from which you were born in the day of your personal
creation in His image and likeness, in heaven. Truly, if you do not
live within the ancient unfailing love of our heavenly Father and of
His Son Jesus Christ, then you have not lived life yet, that is to
say, that you are still living within the deep darkness of your
mother’s womb; all you see is darkness all around you but never God’s
living light, Jesus Christ!

In other words, in your mother’s womb you were born within darkness
thus to enter into the world’s even deeper-darkness, so you may never
see our heavenly Father’s or His Son Jesus Christ’s living grace
towards you, because Adam sinned in you; however, when Jesus Christ
becomes alive within your heart’s darkness, then you are born into
God’s angelic kingdom’s light, forever. Again, you do not know how to
live ever until you are born from our heavenly Father’s and His Son
Jesus Christ’s unfailing Holy Spirit of love, which will not only save
you from Satan’s sins, lies, infirmities and terrible death on earth
and in hell, but it will fill you with peace, love, and the happiness
of new never-ending days.

Because, with Jesus Christ’s living grace and unfailing love towards
you, you will not only leave this sinful world but you will definitely
enter into a brand-new world, an angelic one, not only filled with
angels but also with miracles and marvelous works for you, your loved
ones and friends as well in your homeland and everywhere in the world.
Meaning that Jesus Christ is the door and the way of escape not only
from your mother’s womb of darkness where you were born after nine
month, but also of the world’s darkness of troubles, problems,
conflicts, diseases, infirmities, poverties and even death that
definitely transformed you into a living miracle for God, forever.

That is to say, also that our Lord Jesus Christ is the best love of
your entire life on this earth’s life and in heaven the same for
eternity, so you may live each day of your entire brand-new Christ
like life filled with miracles and great wonders for the glory of His
holy name within you, for ever and ever. Indeed, for our heavenly
Father you are a living miracle in darkness each day through His
beloved Son’s life, so this is why He loves you so much that He is not
only willing to forgive your sins today (do not matter how sinful you
are), but He will definitely fill you without measure with His
everlasting love towards you for eternity.

That is why that our heavenly Father calls you without ceasing since
the day He created you in His hands to live in His Holy Spirit of
unfailing love, so you may live in eternal peace and love with Him on
earth and in the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above, where the
every word of your mouth is truth only. Because, when you live within
our heavenly Father’s and His Son Jesus Christ’s Holy Spirit of
unfailing love towards you, then you will not only become a brand-new
person on earth and in paradise likewise, but your manner of speech
will be totally different that you will speak only the truth
constantly, for our heavenly Father’s holy heart’s everlasting

These days, this is exactly what our heavenly Father wants to do with
you with his unfailing love between Him and His Son Jesus Christ
living within your heart filled with miracles, so you may stop living
for Satan on earth, the sooner the better, and begin to live His holy
life for heaven through His Son Jesus Christ’s living-grace. Because,
the truth is that our heavenly Father created you in His image and
likeness, so you may live your entire life always triumphant over
Satan’s wilds thus to know only truth, justice, peace, love, happiness
and perfection through Jesus Christ His Son embracing you like this
eternally with your loved ones and friends forever with His ancient
trustworthy Father-and-Son-unfailing-love.

Now, this is the genuine heavenly life that you had to live in
paradise in the beginning of the human spirit, with our heavenly
Father and His Son Jesus Christ, but because Adam and Eve sinned
against you, then Satan took you out from paradise with his sinful-
life so you may die for him sick, robbed and destroy eternally for
hell. However, our heavenly Father and His Son loved you so much that
He is not willing to let you go with Satan to live for him eternally
in hell, but He is willing to rescue you by the everlasting power of
His unfailing love manifested in His Son Jesus Christ’s shed atoning
blood for you over Jerusalem’s ancient holy hill.

Supposedly, you are to be living today within our heavenly Father’s
and of His Son Jesus Christ’s Holy Spirit of unfailing love towards
you, your loved ones and fellowmen, just as Abraham and his son Isaac
did it in their days, so they may live eternally saved and give birth
to Israel with His omnipresent Holy Spirit of unfailing-love.
Moreover, this is why that our heavenly Father’s and His Son Jesus
Christ’s Holy Spirit of unfailing love towards you always knock on the
door of your heart with His living Eternal-Gospel, so He may stain it
with His Holy Spirit atoning-blood thus to liberate you from Satan’s
lies, sins and eternal death in hell, today and forevermore in

What is more, the Holy Spirit of the unfailing love between Him and
His Son Jesus Christ will never cease to come to you and to your loved
ones every hour of the day, because He does not only love you as He
loves dearly His beloved Son Jesus Christ, but because He never tires
nor gets weary. That is to say, also that the Holy Spirit of our
heavenly Father’s Plan of Salvation will never tire nor will it get
weary ever, because He loves you with the same ancient unfailing love
from which you came out from (or formed you were) in His image and
likeness in the day of your personal creation, in heaven.

These days, our heavenly Father’s unfailing love will never fail you,
because He sees you perfect and holy as His Son Jesus Christ on earth
and in heaven every day of your entire life, do not matter what may
happen within or around you, His unfailing love will never fail you
because of Jesus Christ’s name lives within your heart. That is why
that the Scripture stays clearly to every man, woman and child all
over the earth and ever since its immemorial ages by saying: For God
so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever will
believe in him will not die but have everlasting life secured on earth
and in heaven, forever and ever.

Because, our heavenly Father did not send His Son Jesus Christ to
condemn the sins of men but to save them from the power of Satan’s
lies and infirmities, so they may live everlastingly within the
overwhelming living supernatural powers of His unfailing love between
Him and His Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Savior of Israel and
humankind, forever! These days, this is the act of our heavenly
Father’s unfailing love for each one of us, manifested only in the
virgin-birth, perfect-life, lawful-crucifixion for the end of sin,
holy resurrection on the third day, for the beginning of the eternal
life without Satan and lies, and the final ascension back to our
original-home in heaven, our heavenly Father!

This is the ancient unfailing love that your heart, soul, mind, body
and human spirit know very well since the day you became a living
human being in paradise in God’s image and likeness for the glory of
His name and of His Son Jesus Christ all over the earth, because Jesus
Christ is not dying anymore but Satan is. These days, the hearts of
men will go deeper into darkness each day to see and know only Satan’s
sinful life and lies, because our heavenly Father’s original unfailing
love is missing within their hearts since the day Adam and Eve refused
to eat the living bread and drink the wine for their eternal
happiness, Jesus Christ of Nazareth!

Then, because of this terrible darkness existing within their hearts,
they do not only sin terribly before our heavenly Father and His Holy
Spirit of unfailing love, for each one of them through His Son Jesus
Christ, but Satan’s lies and terrible deception increases without
measure within them, so they may die never to know life and love,
forever. This is why so many people suffer each day all kinds of
problems, difficulties, sickness, diseases, infirmities, poverties and
even terrible deaths, because the Holy Spirit of the unfailing love
between our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ is missing
altogether, and not because our God wants it this way but because of
disobedience to Jesus Christ’s shed living-grace for them.

However, when they believe within their hearts and thus confess with
their lips Jesus Christ’s living-grace, then God’s wonderful Holy
Spirit of His unfailing love rekindles with all its blissful glories
within each one of them, and also it will open their eyes to see life
from a higher point of view never known to them before. That is to
say, also that instead of men seeing life from Satan’s eyes or point
of view from hell, now each one of them will begin to see their true
life from the eyes and living life of our heavenly Father and of His
Son Jesus Christ that existed within them in heaven first, before Adam
and Eve sinned against them.

Because, the truth is that every man, woman and child see his or her
life from the eyes or point of view of Satan’s sins, lies, terrible-
deceptions, problems, infirmities and even death, however, those that
confess Jesus Christ these things are not true in their lives anymore,
because Satan’s sins and lies are dead to them since Jesus Christ
resurrected and lives indefinitely. That is to say, that those that
believe in Jesus Christ then they do not see anymore Satan’s usual
evils within their hearts, lives, bodies and human spirit, but instead
they only see and live constantly the truth, love and the wonderful
happiness of a blissful life, filled with miracles and marvelous works
each day on earth for all eternity to come.

For example, the problems, difficulties, infirmities or death that you
may see ahead in your life these days, it will be because you are
living in sin, the sin of not believing or confessing Jesus Christ
with your lips as your personal Savior for the glory and honor of our
heavenly Father’s unfailing love on earth and in heaven, forever. This
means that you have to reject Satan and his wicked lies from out your
heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit by believing within your
heart, in the Holy Spirit of the unfailing love of our heavenly Father
and of His Son Jesus Christ, so you may stop attracting Satan’s sins,
lies, deceptions and terrible death within your every day life.

Because, if Satan’s lies from paradise, besides those lies or sins
that you may have committed over the course of life, are still in you,
then darkness may continue to attract upon your life, as a magnets do
to metal, more lies, sins, problems, infirmities and even death, so
you may suffer constantly until you finally drop dead lost in hell.
However, with Jesus Christ living within your every day life then our
heavenly Father’s generous holy heart is not only content with you,
because honored is His truth within your entire life, then He will
only think of new ways to bless you besides His old ways of miracles
and marvelous signs on earth and in heaven, for instance.

Furthermore, our heavenly Father will bless you greatly with His Holy
Spirit and many ancient supernatural powers, because the only thing He
sees within you arising to heaven for Him is just unfailing love from
His Son Jesus Christ and not sin or injustice as before, because now
His Son is part of your life forever and ever, for eternity. That is
to say, also that when our heavenly Father contemplates you each hour
of your entire life, He then will only contemplate unfailing love and
reverence towards Him and His anointed commandments, because when He
contemplates you from heaven, in reality, He contemplates His Son
Jesus Christ each day of your entire life on earth and in paradise,

Because, for our heavenly Father there is no greater supernatural-love
for His holy heart then His Son Jesus Christ living within you and
entire human spirit, so you may not only know Him as the Founder of
your brand-new life, but also as the One who heals and blesses your
heart, soul, mind, body and entire life each day everlastingly. That
is to say, that Jesus Christ living within your heart these days is
the best thing that can happen to you on earth and in paradise, so
Satan’s lies may never attack to destroy you as he did it initially
with Adam and Eve the day that they both ate from the forbidden tree
of curses from hell’s eternal-death.

Truly, these days, living our heavenly Father’s and His Son Jesus
Christ’s unfailing love is the best thing that can happen to you, so
you may cease living for Satan and his wicked world and thus begin to
live the brand-new eternal life from the brand-new Jerusalem from
heaven above, where peace reigns supremely for God’s sons without end.
That is the truth these days, if you want to escape to a world better
than earth, then just invoke the anointed name of Jesus Christ, so you
may embrace eternally with our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit of
unfailing love thus to transfer you into a supernatural-world, filled
with miracles and great wonders for you and your loved ones, forever.

Because, these days to live your life on earth is very dangerous, do
not matter how smart o rich you may be, nonetheless, by invoking Jesus
Christ then our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit of unfailing love will
embrace you powerfully to help you to live His miracle life in a
totally brand-new Kingdom never dreamed before by anyone or angel.
This brand-new life from our heavenly Father’s and His Son Jesus
Christ’s unfailing love has given birth to it for you these days,
indeed, it is the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above, where your
heart will enjoy eternal happiness as never dreamed before by any man,
woman or child and even by faithful holy angels from heaven, for that

Truly, this is the holy life that your heart has asked you to provide
from the first, so it may enjoy the blissful-happiness of our heavenly
Father’s and His Son’s Holy Spirit of unfailing love, ancient grace
that the only thing that wants to do, indeed, it will be everything
that pleases your insatiable-heart for the best overwhelming joys,
forever. What is more, our heavenly Father has though out the best
only for you through His Holy Spirit of unfailing love manifested to
humankind for the first time in heaven, with Adam and Eve and later on
earth with Abraham and his son Isaac, for the father and son sacrifice
over Moriah’s summit that was to consummate in the future.

Because, when our heavenly Father asked Abraham to take his only son
Isaac to Moriah’s mountaintop, then He did it not to hurt him or his
son or anyone thereby, but it was to manifest His Holy Spirit of
unfailing love towards His Son Jesus Christ, so people may be born in
His love thus to live forever His eternal-blissful-life. For the
reason that to live in our heavenly Father’s and His Son Jesus
Christ’s Holy Spirit of unfailing love, then we can not only escape
Satan’s lies and wilds, but we can really begin to love and live for
the true-life from heaven above as in the brand-new Jerusalem from
heaven above, for example, where every feeling is love forever.

Frankly, living within this supernatural heavenly world these days as
if you were already living in paradise or in a brand-new holy world
from God’s angelic Kingdom, then angels will be your every day friend,
and not threatening lying devils as usual, when you did not know Jesus
Christ’s supernatural grace and never-ending healing unfailing love
for you, for example. Then, why wait anymore? These days, you may
begin to live our heavenly Father’s and His Son’s Holy Spirit of
unfailing love and never-ending grace of miracles and great wonders by
invoking his anointed-name thus to heal and bless you each step of
your entire life on earth and in heaven for ever and ever with peace
and never-ending happiness for your undying soul.

Today, remember Abraham and his son Isaac, they both found and lived
sheltered within our heavenly Father’s and His Son Jesus Christ’s Holy
Spirit of unfailing love, so they may please all truth, justice and
righteousness within their hearts, mind, bodies, human spirit and
living souls even when The Tables of the Ten Commandments were still
in heaven. Devotedly, they this not only to obedience to our heavenly
Father’s perfect will of unfailing love and supernatural-mercies for
their entire lives, but because their generations to come will each do
the same thing faithfully thus always to please Him and His Son Jesus
Christ on earth and in heaven forever and ever, for the glory and
honor of His majestic-name.

Then, to reject our heavenly Father’s and His Son Jesus Christ’s Holy
Spirit of unfailing love and new mercies of never-ending grace for you
just as Adam and Eve rejected Him in paradise when they were both
called to eat from the fruit of life, then you will be making an error
much greater than the theirs for death. Our heavenly Father does not
need you to sin anymore, He only needs you to walk in His Son Jesus
Christ’s everlasting-and-secured-footsteps, so you may never miss a
single blessing from heaven on earth, in paradise or in the brand-new
Jerusalem from heaven above, where your name written it is for eternity
—because He loves you dearly through His Son’s living-grace.

Stay in this unfailing love between the Father and the Son, so you may
live eternally blessed each day of your entire life, building an
excellent relationship between heaven and earth as Abraham and his son
Isaac did for your sake, your loved ones and friends all over the
world. Like this you will live totally protected against Satan and his
usual wilds of lies and hidden tricks, so only truth and blessing from
our God’s Holy Spirit and His host of angels may pour over your entire
life constantly and all the day long for all eternity to come.

Remember to stay in our heavenly Father’s and His Son Jesus Christ’s
Holy Spirit of unfailing love these days, so you may heal from all
kinds of terrible evils from Satan and his wicked ones, and begin to
live life, and this time for ever and ever. Because, to be faithful
always to the Father’s and Son’s supernatural living love towards you,
your loved ones and friends all over the earth, then you will begin to
live in His world of every day miracle, so you may only face truth and
blessings on earth and in eternity forever and ever. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto
the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yehoshua, and shalt
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou
shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 310
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal
Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of
JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the
of YOUR SOUL and LIFE) and HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in
your heart
that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with
your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says,
"Anyone who
trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference
Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the
same, the Lord is
Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone
who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from
sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? Or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? Or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful
new life
with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better.
Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday.
Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of
worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in
prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very important
in heaven.
You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven;
suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died
on the Cross
of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of
Holiest. That
is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all
the Holy
Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most
add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS
in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME
of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.



Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2009-10-03 04:30:45 UTC
S�bado, 19 de septiembre, a�o 2009 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador � Iberoam�rica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iv�n Valarezo)

The "JESUS" "IN YOU" is the one GOD Identifies with.
