JESUS WAS A MAZDAYAZNI (i.e. Zoroastrian)....
(too old to reply)
2008-04-22 06:54:27 UTC
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Christianity"

The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Judaism"

The Religion of Jesus was MAZDAYAZNAN (i.e. Zoroastrianism)

In Jesus' day, the Zoroastrianism was called by various names (NOT
"Zoroastrianism). It was called:

"The Way"

"The Way of Good"

"The Way of Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds"

"Mazdayaznan" (Mazda-Worshipping)

"The Good Religion"

"The Pure Religion"

Jesus' "religion" was not "Judaism". The religion of the Jews was the
worship of YAH, and did NOT include any belief in the Afterlife.

The Old Testament contains NOTHING about the Afterlife, or any
afterlife rewards or punishments.

When the Jews were taken captive to Babylon for 70 years in 600 B.C.,
they confronted a religion called Masdayasnan. It was also called
Way of Good" or just "The Way". Paul said in Acts that he belonged to
a sect called "The Way".

The Jews that rejected the Persian religion were called Sadducees.
They believed in the Torah only, which says NOTHING of any Paradise
Hell. The Jews that accepted the Persian religion were called
FAROOSHEEM ("Pharisees" in Greek). The name FAROOSHIM meant
in Hebrew.

There were different "Sects" of Pharisees (Faroosheem); one of the
most strict being the NASAREEM (Nazerenes), whose village was called
"Nazareth" (place of the Nazarenes).

In the Gospels Jesus tells the thief on the Cross, "Truly, I say unto
you, this day you will be with me in Pardes".

"Pardes" is NOT a Hebrew or Aramaic nor Greek word. It is FARSEE
(Persian) and comes directly from the religion of Persia. It means

Jesus said, "El is the God of the living and not the god of the
He meant that literally. El, or YAH, is the Persian Angra Mainyu, who
is the "God" of the Material World. The "God" of the Spiritual World
(the dead) is Ahura Mazda: the Only Wise Lord.

YAH did not promise Moses nor the Israelites any Paradise or Hell
because He is not the God of the Spirit World, but rather the God of
the material world, and can only "curse" and "bless" those who are

The Jews had NO belief in the Afterlife UNTIL they were held captive
by the Babylonians (and later Persians who conquered the
The term "Hell" found in the Old Testament is SHOEL and refers to the
cold dead grave, nothing more. The Book of Ecclestiates says "the
known nothing" and that the plans of men END when they are dead. The
term "SOUL" in the Old Testament simply means "Breath" and did not
mean any immortal spirit that survives death. There was NO belief in
an afterlife, no belief in any resurrection of the dead UNTIL the
were taken to Babylon and Persia.

The religion of "Judaism" in Jesus' day was that of the Sadduccees,
and they rejected any notion of any Afterlife, Paradise, Hell, they
considered all these "Persian" doctrines and not Jewish at all.

The God of the Old Testament, who calls Himself "I AM" (YAH) and "I
THAT I AM" (YAHOOWAH) is Angra Mainyu, was an angry and jealous God
who commanded the Canaanites, men women and children, to be killed.
commanded Israelite women (Not men) to be killed for adultery, male
homosexuality (not female), eating shell-fish, breaking the Sabbath,
and using His name in vain. HE IS NOT THE LOVING "FATHER" JESUS TOLD

The loving Heavenly Father is Ahura Mazda, the God of the Dead, the
God of Light (Spiritual Realm) of the ancient Persian Prophet

The religion of Ahura Mazda contains much material, about as much as
the Bible. It describes the TRUTH about Paradise and Hell-fire and
we are saved and judged.

The Religion of Mazda included a special caste of ministers called
"MAGOI". These were hermaphrodytes (men-women) who were considered
dual-spirits (male and female). They were considered to be able to
work supernatural acts (we get the word "MAGIC" from MAGOI--plural
MAGUS). The "three wise men" who saw Jesus' star in the East were
MAGOI. The Prophet Daniel became the Chief Magoi of the Emperor
Nebuchadezzar (Daniel chapter 5). They were ZOROASTRIANS.

It was probably Daniel, during his reign as Rab Mag (Head Magus) for
the Babylonian empire that the belief in the "Messiah" arose among
Jews. He job that directly from the Religion of Mazda.

The Prophet Zoroaster told of three SAYOSHANTS ("Saviors") who would
be born of virgins. One was King Koresh (Cyrus), the Persian Emperor.
Another was Jesus. And the third was born in Jerusalem in 1909, the
son of a Palestinian Christian woman. He performed thousands of
supernatural miracles. His name was DAHESH....

Read more about Him at.....
2008-04-22 08:21:38 UTC
Post by Darrick
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Christianity"
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Judaism"
The Religion of Jesus was MAZDAYAZNAN (i.e. Zoroastrianism)
In Jesus' day, the Zoroastrianism was called by various names (NOT
"The Way"
"The Way of Good"
"The Way of Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds"
"Mazdayaznan" (Mazda-Worshipping)
"The Good Religion"
"The Pure Religion"
Jesus' "religion" was not "Judaism". The religion of the Jews was the
worship of YAH, and did NOT include any belief in the Afterlife.
The Old Testament contains NOTHING about the Afterlife, or any
afterlife rewards or punishments.
When the Jews were taken captive to Babylon for 70 years in 600 B.C.,
they confronted a religion called Masdayasnan. It was also called
Way of Good" or just "The Way". Paul said in Acts that he belonged to
a sect called "The Way".
The Jews that rejected the Persian religion were called Sadducees.
They believed in the Torah only, which says NOTHING of any Paradise
Hell. The Jews that accepted the Persian religion were called
FAROOSHEEM ("Pharisees" in Greek). The name FAROOSHIM meant
in Hebrew.
There were different "Sects" of Pharisees (Faroosheem); one of the
most strict being the NASAREEM (Nazerenes), whose village was called
"Nazareth" (place of the Nazarenes).
In the Gospels Jesus tells the thief on the Cross, "Truly, I say unto
you, this day you will be with me in Pardes".
"Pardes" is NOT a Hebrew or Aramaic nor Greek word. It is FARSEE
(Persian) and comes directly from the religion of Persia. It means
Jesus said, "El is the God of the living and not the god of the
He meant that literally. El, or YAH, is the Persian Angra Mainyu, who
is the "God" of the Material World. The "God" of the Spiritual World
(the dead) is Ahura Mazda: the Only Wise Lord.
YAH did not promise Moses nor the Israelites any Paradise or Hell
because He is not the God of the Spirit World, but rather the God of
the material world, and can only "curse" and "bless" those who are
The Jews had NO belief in the Afterlife UNTIL they were held captive
by the Babylonians (and later Persians who conquered the
The term "Hell" found in the Old Testament is SHOEL and refers to the
cold dead grave, nothing more. The Book of Ecclestiates says "the
known nothing" and that the plans of men END when they are dead. The
term "SOUL" in the Old Testament simply means "Breath" and did not
mean any immortal spirit that survives death. There was NO belief in
an afterlife, no belief in any resurrection of the dead UNTIL the
were taken to Babylon and Persia.
The religion of "Judaism" in Jesus' day was that of the Sadduccees,
and they rejected any notion of any Afterlife, Paradise, Hell, they
considered all these "Persian" doctrines and not Jewish at all.
The God of the Old Testament, who calls Himself "I AM" (YAH) and "I
THAT I AM" (YAHOOWAH) is Angra Mainyu, was an angry and jealous God
who commanded the Canaanites, men women and children, to be killed.
commanded Israelite women (Not men) to be killed for adultery, male
homosexuality (not female), eating shell-fish, breaking the Sabbath,
and using His name in vain. HE IS NOT THE LOVING "FATHER" JESUS TOLD
The loving Heavenly Father is Ahura Mazda, the God of the Dead, the
God of Light (Spiritual Realm) of the ancient Persian Prophet
The religion of Ahura Mazda contains much material, about as much as
the Bible. It describes the TRUTH about Paradise and Hell-fire and
we are saved and judged.
The Religion of Mazda included a special caste of ministers called
"MAGOI". These were hermaphrodytes (men-women) who were considered
dual-spirits (male and female). They were considered to be able to
work supernatural acts (we get the word "MAGIC" from MAGOI--plural
MAGUS). The "three wise men" who saw Jesus' star in the East were
MAGOI. The Prophet Daniel became the Chief Magoi of the Emperor
Nebuchadezzar (Daniel chapter 5). They were ZOROASTRIANS.
It was probably Daniel, during his reign as Rab Mag (Head Magus) for
the Babylonian empire that the belief in the "Messiah" arose among
Jews. He job that directly from the Religion of Mazda.
The Prophet Zoroaster told of three SAYOSHANTS ("Saviors") who would
be born of virgins. One was King Koresh (Cyrus), the Persian Emperor.
Another was Jesus. And the third was born in Jerusalem in 1909, the
son of a Palestinian Christian woman. He performed thousands of
supernatural miracles. His name was DAHESH....
Read more about Him at.....http://www.angelfire.com/mo3/dr.dahesh/
Hello Darrick!

What an extremely interesting post... I would love to read up on it
more... can you please share with us the sources you have attained
this knowledge from?

Thanks heaps...

2008-04-23 04:16:02 UTC
Go to google and type in "Zoroastrianism" and "Magi" or "three wise
men" for starts.

Then type in "Judaism" and "Zoroastrianism".

Then type in "Judaism" and "Ahura Mazda".

The word "Pardes" is old Persian Zoroastrian word for "Garden". Jesus
uses that with the Thief on the
Cross, in the original Aramaic version and Greek versions of the New
Testament. What is translated into
English as "Paradise" is "Pardes" in the original Greek Bible. Pardes
is not Greek, but an old Farsi word
meaning "Garden".

There is a LOT on the Internet itself about the influence of
Zoroastrianism upon Judaism (specifically the Pharisee
sect). Its all there.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by Darrick
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Christianity"
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Judaism"
The Religion of Jesus was MAZDAYAZNAN (i.e. Zoroastrianism)
In Jesus' day, the Zoroastrianism was called by various names (NOT
"The Way"
"The Way of Good"
"The Way of Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds"
"Mazdayaznan" (Mazda-Worshipping)
"The Good Religion"
"The Pure Religion"
Jesus' "religion" was not "Judaism". The religion of the Jews was the
worship of YAH, and did NOT include any belief in the Afterlife.
The Old Testament contains NOTHING about the Afterlife, or any
afterlife rewards or punishments.
When the Jews were taken captive to Babylon for 70 years in 600 B.C.,
they confronted a religion called Masdayasnan. It was also called
Way of Good" or just "The Way". Paul said in Acts that he belonged to
a sect called "The Way".
The Jews that rejected the Persian religion were called Sadducees.
They believed in the Torah only, which says NOTHING of any Paradise
Hell. The Jews that accepted the Persian religion were called
FAROOSHEEM ("Pharisees" in Greek). The name FAROOSHIM meant
in Hebrew.
There were different "Sects" of Pharisees (Faroosheem); one of the
most strict being the NASAREEM (Nazerenes), whose village was called
"Nazareth" (place of the Nazarenes).
In the Gospels Jesus tells the thief on the Cross, "Truly, I say unto
you, this day you will be with me in Pardes".
"Pardes" is NOT a Hebrew or Aramaic nor Greek word. It is FARSEE
(Persian) and comes directly from the religion of Persia. It means
Jesus said, "El is the God of the living and not the god of the
He meant that literally. El, or YAH, is the Persian Angra Mainyu, who
is the "God" of the Material World. The "God" of the Spiritual World
(the dead) is Ahura Mazda: the Only Wise Lord.
YAH did not promise Moses nor the Israelites any Paradise or Hell
because He is not the God of the Spirit World, but rather the God of
the material world, and can only "curse" and "bless" those who are
The Jews had NO belief in the Afterlife UNTIL they were held captive
by the Babylonians (and later Persians who conquered the
The term "Hell" found in the Old Testament is SHOEL and refers to the
cold dead grave, nothing more. The Book of Ecclestiates says "the
known nothing" and that the plans of men END when they are dead. The
term "SOUL" in the Old Testament simply means "Breath" and did not
mean any immortal spirit that survives death. There was NO belief in
an afterlife, no belief in any resurrection of the dead UNTIL the
were taken to Babylon and Persia.
The religion of "Judaism" in Jesus' day was that of the Sadduccees,
and they rejected any notion of any Afterlife, Paradise, Hell, they
considered all these "Persian" doctrines and not Jewish at all.
The God of the Old Testament, who calls Himself "I AM" (YAH) and "I
THAT I AM" (YAHOOWAH) is Angra Mainyu, was an angry and jealous God
who commanded the Canaanites, men women and children, to be killed.
commanded Israelite women (Not men) to be killed for adultery, male
homosexuality (not female), eating shell-fish, breaking the Sabbath,
and using His name in vain. HE IS NOT THE LOVING "FATHER" JESUS TOLD
The loving Heavenly Father is Ahura Mazda, the God of the Dead, the
God of Light (Spiritual Realm) of the ancient Persian Prophet
The religion of Ahura Mazda contains much material, about as much as
the Bible. It describes the TRUTH about Paradise and Hell-fire and
we are saved and judged.
The Religion of Mazda included a special caste of ministers called
"MAGOI". These were hermaphrodytes (men-women) who were considered
dual-spirits (male and female). They were considered to be able to
work supernatural acts (we get the word "MAGIC" from MAGOI--plural
MAGUS). The "three wise men" who saw Jesus' star in the East were
MAGOI. The Prophet Daniel became the Chief Magoi of the Emperor
Nebuchadezzar (Daniel chapter 5). They were ZOROASTRIANS.
It was probably Daniel, during his reign as Rab Mag (Head Magus) for
the Babylonian empire that the belief in the "Messiah" arose among
Jews. He job that directly from the Religion of Mazda.
The Prophet Zoroaster told of three SAYOSHANTS ("Saviors") who would
be born of virgins. One was King Koresh (Cyrus), the Persian Emperor.
Another was Jesus. And the third was born in Jerusalem in 1909, the
son of a Palestinian Christian woman. He performed thousands of
supernatural miracles. His name was DAHESH....
Read more about Him at.....http://www.angelfire.com/mo3/dr.dahesh/
Hello Darrick!
What an extremely interesting post... I would love to read up on it
more... can you please share with us the sources you have attained
this knowledge from?
Thanks heaps...
Heej- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
john w <johnw@yahoo.com>
2008-04-22 10:30:12 UTC
x-no-archive: yes
On Mon, 21 Apr 2008 23:54:27 -0700 (PDT), Darrick
<***@yahoo.com> wrote:
© 2008 John D Weatherly all rights reserved; no portion of this post
may be used anywhere else without written permission of the author.
Post by Darrick
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Christianity"
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Judaism"
The Religion of Jesus was MAZDAYAZNAN (i.e. Zoroastrianism)
Post by Darrick
In Jesus' day, the Zoroastrianism was called by various names (NOT
"The Way"
"The Way of Good"
"The Way of Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds"
"Mazdayaznan" (Mazda-Worshipping)
"The Good Religion"
"The Pure Religion"
Jesus' "religion" was not "Judaism". The religion of the Jews was the
worship of YAH, and did NOT include any belief in the Afterlife.
The Old Testament contains NOTHING about the Afterlife, or any
afterlife rewards or punishments.
When the Jews were taken captive to Babylon for 70 years in 600 B.C.,
they confronted a religion called Masdayasnan. It was also called
Way of Good" or just "The Way". Paul said in Acts that he belonged to
a sect called "The Way".
The Jews that rejected the Persian religion were called Sadducees.
They believed in the Torah only, which says NOTHING of any Paradise
Hell. The Jews that accepted the Persian religion were called
FAROOSHEEM ("Pharisees" in Greek). The name FAROOSHIM meant
in Hebrew.
There were different "Sects" of Pharisees (Faroosheem); one of the
most strict being the NASAREEM (Nazerenes), whose village was called
"Nazareth" (place of the Nazarenes).
In the Gospels Jesus tells the thief on the Cross, "Truly, I say unto
you, this day you will be with me in Pardes".
"Pardes" is NOT a Hebrew or Aramaic nor Greek word. It is FARSEE
(Persian) and comes directly from the religion of Persia. It means
Jesus said, "El is the God of the living and not the god of the
He meant that literally. El, or YAH, is the Persian Angra Mainyu, who
is the "God" of the Material World. The "God" of the Spiritual World
(the dead) is Ahura Mazda: the Only Wise Lord.
YAH did not promise Moses nor the Israelites any Paradise or Hell
because He is not the God of the Spirit World, but rather the God of
the material world, and can only "curse" and "bless" those who are
The Jews had NO belief in the Afterlife UNTIL they were held captive
by the Babylonians (and later Persians who conquered the
The term "Hell" found in the Old Testament is SHOEL and refers to the
cold dead grave, nothing more. The Book of Ecclestiates says "the
known nothing" and that the plans of men END when they are dead. The
term "SOUL" in the Old Testament simply means "Breath" and did not
mean any immortal spirit that survives death. There was NO belief in
an afterlife, no belief in any resurrection of the dead UNTIL the
were taken to Babylon and Persia.
The religion of "Judaism" in Jesus' day was that of the Sadduccees,
and they rejected any notion of any Afterlife, Paradise, Hell, they
considered all these "Persian" doctrines and not Jewish at all.
The God of the Old Testament, who calls Himself "I AM" (YAH) and "I
THAT I AM" (YAHOOWAH) is Angra Mainyu, was an angry and jealous God
who commanded the Canaanites, men women and children, to be killed.
commanded Israelite women (Not men) to be killed for adultery, male
homosexuality (not female), eating shell-fish, breaking the Sabbath,
and using His name in vain. HE IS NOT THE LOVING "FATHER" JESUS TOLD
The loving Heavenly Father is Ahura Mazda, the God of the Dead, the
God of Light (Spiritual Realm) of the ancient Persian Prophet
The religion of Ahura Mazda contains much material, about as much as
the Bible. It describes the TRUTH about Paradise and Hell-fire and
we are saved and judged.
The Religion of Mazda included a special caste of ministers called
"MAGOI". These were hermaphrodytes (men-women) who were considered
dual-spirits (male and female). They were considered to be able to
work supernatural acts (we get the word "MAGIC" from MAGOI--plural
MAGUS). The "three wise men" who saw Jesus' star in the East were
MAGOI. The Prophet Daniel became the Chief Magoi of the Emperor
Nebuchadezzar (Daniel chapter 5). They were ZOROASTRIANS.
It was probably Daniel, during his reign as Rab Mag (Head Magus) for
the Babylonian empire that the belief in the "Messiah" arose among
Jews. He job that directly from the Religion of Mazda.
The Prophet Zoroaster told of three SAYOSHANTS ("Saviors") who would
be born of virgins. One was King Koresh (Cyrus), the Persian Emperor.
Another was Jesus. And the third was born in Jerusalem in 1909, the
son of a Palestinian Christian woman. He performed thousands of
supernatural miracles. His name was DAHESH....
Read more about Him at.....
2008-04-22 12:44:17 UTC
john w <johnw<no>@yahoo.com> news:2hfr04da2896e0hk68pb46itscjrmmi7vv@

Had a burning desire to establish before one and all, to verify there is no
subject that he is so ignorant about, as mythology. Particularly his

From: john w <johnw<no>@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: JESUS WAS A MAZDAYAZNI (i.e. Zoroastrian)....
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 03:30:12 -0700
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
References: <4ac3ca40-bc7e-4d89-9712-
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Post by john w <***@yahoo.com>
x-no-archive: yes
On Mon, 21 Apr 2008 23:54:27 -0700 (PDT), Darrick
Post by Darrick
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Christianity"
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Judaism"
The Religion of Jesus was MAZDAYAZNAN (i.e. Zoroastrianism)
Rubbish? Then you can prove it. You can provide evidence that this Christ
Jesus didn't really exist. And then you provide evidence as to what his
particular brand of mythology was.

Had he existed, it could not be xianity, he did not exist at that time.
Had he existed, it would have been Judaism, to be exact, a Pharisee. They
were the ones that adapted the Mazdean concepts of duality of the godhead,
heaven and hell. Supposedly, the same things you believe in.

You may well ask, when did this momentous event happen. It was during the
Babylonian vacation. Of course, this would require you to learn things,
things that you do not want to hear or see. Therefore, you will not.


which wannabe this time jonnie, the one who thinks his uninformed opinion
and is unsupported word is sufficient to dismiss anything he does not like
to see or hear? This is news for you, but nobody else, it isn't.

walksalone, who has noticed over the years, the more ignorant a person is
about everything, the more they have to say on everything. But saying is
not the same as providing evidence, and apparently jonnie is afraid of

Just so others who are not familiar with jonnie realize what they are
dealing with. An ego out of control.

From: John Weatherly <***@hotmail.com>
Subject: XXX-Rated Novels by Pro Writer!!! Interested?
Date: 2000/01/29
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>#1/1
Newsgroups: alt.penthouse.sex.stories

I am a published, professional writer.
I have written two XXX-rated novels.
One is an XXX-rated sci-fi, fantasy, romance novel.
The other is an XXX-rated murder mystery.
Would you be interested in buying either novel on-line
for, say, $10?
You would e-mail me your e-mail address,
then mail me a $10 money order (faster for me to cash out than a
Once I am paid, I would e-mail you the novel of your choice,
a few chapters at a time, with the understanding that you are
purchasing a copyrighted work, and you would not distribute it to
anyone else.
You will not find this kind of quality hard-core sex fiction in any
bookstore. You will also not find it anywhere on-line.
I know. I've looked.
Bear in mind that we are talking serious literature here, not merely
"j???-off" books. These novels contain hard-core f???ing/sucking,
and no doubt you will be j???ing off (if so inclined) or grabbing
your f???ing/sucking partner occasionally, but not on every single
page, or in every single chapter.
If you would like to read high-quality, professionally written
fiction, "literature" that is XXX-rated,
and you'd be willing to spend a few bucks for it,
please contact me.
In your initial contact, please specify that you are at least 18 years
old. And I will want that in writing with your payment, should you
decide to make a purchase.

I have also over the years written some "stroke" fiction pieces. You
may wish to inquire about some of that. I have several collections of
stories, and a short "stroke" fiction novel. I am in process of
"documenting" my sex life these past 50 years, with about that many
different partners. If you are interested in my sex life history,
mention that as well, although that is definitely a work in progress.

2008-04-28 03:08:47 UTC
Post by Darrick
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Christianity"
Christos is far older, Yes!
Post by Darrick
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Judaism"
No that was the Judea people.
Post by Darrick
The Religion of Jesus was MAZDAYAZNAN (i.e. Zoroastrianism)
Sort of, Jesus was Sidthe yes.
Post by Darrick
In Jesus' day, the Zoroastrianism was called by various names (NOT
"The Way"
"The Way of Good"
"The Way of Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds"
Karma, the Golden Rule, Led by such as the Green Buddha of Tara, Dagda
"The Good God" and/or "All Father".
Post by Darrick
"Mazdayaznan" (Mazda-Worshipping)
Ra is part of the teachings of the "Lake of Fire"!
Enoch told the tale of the Kingdom.
Lugh was "The Sun God", the "House of Fire".
The Hyksus who conquered Egypt those nasty "Barbarians", the ones who
dared claim to be "Co-Annon".
Tara was an intense place.
The Kingdom of "Europe".
From the Atlantic to the Black Sea, Danube to the Mediterranean.
Celts expanded the holdings to include the lands across the river also,
making the Northern Border thereafter the Dan River.
Post by Darrick
"The Good Religion"
Guan Yin, Tara Buddha, Rama, Krishna, Nemesis, again Karma or the Golden
Post by Darrick
"The Pure Religion"
Jesus' "religion" was not "Judaism". The religion of the Jews was the
worship of YAH, and did NOT include any belief in the Afterlife.
The Old Testament contains NOTHING about the Afterlife, or any
afterlife rewards or punishments.
When the Jews were taken captive to Babylon for 70 years in 600 B.C.,
they confronted a religion called Masdayasnan. It was also called
Way of Good" or just "The Way". Paul said in Acts that he belonged to
a sect called "The Way".
The Jews that rejected the Persian religion were called Sadducees.
They believed in the Torah only, which says NOTHING of any Paradise
Heaven is the Cave of Adam and Eve.
The one Noah left during the Flood.
He Found a New one after.
Hittite Teachings, Hel is the Underground Kingdom.
Abraham bought the Cave to Bury Sarah.
Moses got the land from Jethro and tried to lead his people there.
But they refused to enter unless they could slay all who lived there, so
God turned from them, after which, they spent the time wandering the
David hid in it during the persecutions of Saul.
The Oracle of Zeus/Delphi and Tribe followed the Column of Smoke to
where the Great Silver Wheel fell from the heavens and bored the
Bottomless Pit.
Leaving a Cave with a Citadel inside with "Voice Activated Doors"!

The Jews that accepted the Persian religion were called
Post by Darrick
FAROOSHEEM ("Pharisees" in Greek). The name FAROOSHIM meant
in Hebrew.
Persians didn't exist when the Scoti Ruled.
We are the "Pre" Persian.
Kurds still speak our language.
My families history goes back to before the Horse, which is why we are
the tribes of the Ass.
We had Equine drawn Gypsy Camp Wagons before there were horses.
Post by Darrick
There were different "Sects" of Pharisees (Faroosheem); one of the
most strict being the NASAREEM (Nazerenes), whose village was called
"Nazareth" (place of the Nazarenes).
In the Gospels Jesus tells the thief on the Cross, "Truly, I say unto
you, this day you will be with me in Pardes".
"Pardes" is NOT a Hebrew or Aramaic nor Greek word. It is FARSEE
(Persian) and comes directly from the religion of Persia. It means
That "Garden" is Heaven, the Illysium Fields.
Post by Darrick
Jesus said, "El is the God of the living and not the god of the
God said it is its name, and I share it with God, that it is also my
The Arianhod did indeed tell me my name.
Post by Darrick
He meant that literally. El, or YAH, is the Persian Angra Mainyu, who
is the "God" of the Material World.
No there is the Avatar walking, the word chosen, who anointed and sworn
before God and People is the Will of God Walking!
The Living God, or Local God.
Like Indra, Krishna, Apollo, Nemedia, Maube. . . . . .

The "God" of the Spiritual World
Post by Darrick
(the dead) is Ahura Mazda: the Only Wise Lord.
The Lake of Fire.
That which is the White Light upon which none may look.
Post by Darrick
YAH did not promise Moses nor the Israelites any Paradise or Hell
It Say's they tried to lock God in the Mountain!
Post by Darrick
because He is not the God of the Spirit World, but rather the God of
the material world, and can only "curse" and "bless" those who are
Yin Yang situation as I see it.
Post by Darrick
The Jews had NO belief in the Afterlife UNTIL they were held captive
by the Babylonians (and later Persians who conquered the
Daniel, the guy who "Saw the Writing on the Wall" and interpreted
Dreams, Joined with the King of the Eunuchs, in Babylon.
The "Fairy Folk" the Tribes of ELPH, the Scream your soul makes when it
encounters that which it fears most, the "Great Terrible Unknown" we
call GOD!
Post by Darrick
The term "Hell" found in the Old Testament is SHOEL and refers to the
cold dead grave,
The Cave Abraham bought to bury Sarah.
But in the Legends it is "Heaven", not a place of punishment.

nothing more. The Book of Ecclestiates says "the
Post by Darrick
known nothing" and that the plans of men END when they are dead.
You are no longer man but spirit.

Post by Darrick
term "SOUL" in the Old Testament simply means "Breath" and did not
mean any immortal spirit that survives death.
Yes it does but not in the way people claim.
You are Immortal the vessel dies but the inner energy continues its
journey or returns to try again.

There was NO belief in
Post by Darrick
an afterlife, no belief in any resurrection of the dead UNTIL the
were taken to Babylon and Persia.
Greek Teachings, Ptolemy II write the LXX!
Post by Darrick
The religion of "Judaism" in Jesus' day was that of the Sadduccees,
and they rejected any notion of any Afterlife, Paradise, Hell, they
considered all these "Persian" doctrines and not Jewish at all.
No they decided man is the center of life and tried to replace God.
tried to Erase God, even tried to "Make War" with God.
People are afraid of the end of the Age, this is the Age of Man, we have
been through many cycles and ages, it is time for the TRUE AGE of GOD.
Man is far beyond the Cave, he should be able to begin to understand by
Post by Darrick
The God of the Old Testament, who calls Himself "I AM" (YAH) and "I
THAT I AM" (YAHOOWAH) is Angra Mainyu, was an angry and jealous God
who commanded the Canaanites, men women and children, to be killed.
Did not, ordered man "Not to Kill"!
Says the Mark of Cain is the Judgmental who think they can pass judgment
on their brethren and STONE them, especially based on arbitrary social
concept and mutable law.
Post by Darrick
commanded Israelite women (Not men) to be killed for adultery, male
homosexuality (not female), eating shell-fish, breaking the Sabbath,
and using His name in vain. HE IS NOT THE LOVING "FATHER" JESUS TOLD
Rome altered the word.
Greeks wrote the text.
The Legend is the House of Seth the 3rd Son of Adam and Eve.
Shape Shifters.
Nasty Evil Fair Ones, the Tricksters.
Mommy Likes Us Best!
Post by Darrick
The loving Heavenly Father is Ahura Mazda, the God of the Dead, the
God of Light (Spiritual Realm) of the ancient Persian Prophet
So where does Sardoz fit?
Post by Darrick
The religion of Ahura Mazda contains much material, about as much as
the Bible. It describes the TRUTH about Paradise and Hell-fire and
we are saved and judged.
The Religion of Mazda included a special caste of ministers called
Magh or Magho Gi, was a Chieftain or King known as "The Mountain"!
The Heir of the Cave (Cave Bear), is the Mountain.
The Cave is the Mountain of the North Wind, the Home of the Rainbow
Bridge, the path to the Illysium Fields.
Not the one they locked God in, that is the Underground Kingdom.
There are 2, actually 4, I find in the legends.
The 4 Elements which make up man.

These were hermaphrodites (men-women) who were considered
Post by Darrick
dual-spirits (male and female).

They were considered to be able to
Post by Darrick
work supernatural acts
Men with Feminine Intuition.
That certain Magic Women understand.

(we get the word "MAGIC" from MAGOI--plural
Post by Darrick
MAGUS). The "three wise men" who saw Jesus' star in the East were
They were Triplets born of my Ancestors, one seed 3 Kings, the Hounds of

The Prophet Daniel became the Chief Magoi of the Emperor
Post by Darrick
Nebuchadezzar (Daniel chapter 5). They were ZOROASTRIANS.
Daniel 1: his Great Love was the King of the Eunuchs.
Dagda's Heir is Angus, a Black Bull who was a Shape Shifter and who
Carried the Sun between His/Her Horns.
Post by Darrick
It was probably Daniel, during his reign as Rab Mag (Head Magus) for
the Babylonian empire that the belief in the "Messiah" arose among
Jews. He job that directly from the Religion of Mazda.
The Prophet Zoroaster told of three SAYOSHANTS ("Saviors") who would
be born of virgins. One was King Koresh (Cyrus), the Persian Emperor.
Another was Jesus. And the third was born in Jerusalem in 1909, the
son of a Palestinian Christian woman. He performed thousands of
supernatural miracles. His name was DAHESH....
Read more about Him at.....
I am the 3rd G of the Arianhod, born of the Magh Danu, the Child born of
the Rape of She who became Nemesis.
She ( the Dyke) being raised as a God and believing herself Male, didn't
like being "Compelled" to bear child, so she taught the world about the
Bris and Celibacy.
David St. Albans
2008-04-28 04:10:48 UTC
Post by Azure
Post by Darrick
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Christianity"
Christos is far older, Yes!
No. "Christos" is not "far older." Christos means one who is
Christened. One who is "annointed." In Judaism the one annointed of
God is the Chosen Savior of the People, King, Messiah and Prophet.
Jesus was a Jew. Not a Christian. He was sent, (if he believed that at
all and there is no evidence that he ever said he was, but only
alluded to it), to save His People. The Chosen people of God, The
Jews. He was not slated as the savior of mankind.
Post by Azure
Post by Darrick
The Religion of Jesus was MAZDAYAZNAN (i.e. Zoroastrianism)
No it was not.
Post by Azure
Post by Darrick
"Mazdayaznan" (Mazda-Worshipping)
Judaism did have elements of the cult of Ahura-Mazda in it. However
Jesus was not raised by the Persians. He was raised as a Jew in the
very strict way of the Essenes. He was a Therapeut. A healer and a
rabbi in the tradtion of the Qumuran Community.

In fact there were three Jesus' Or "Joshuas" (I.e. Saviors) at the
same time. One was a philosopher and healer. One was a revolutionary
or "insurgent" against Rome, and one was a traveling Rabbi who did
"magic." The three were all crucified, not at the same time but in the
same era. their words and teachings were fused much later into what
was called the Nazarene religion or early Christianity. Paul, a
converted Rabbi and Pharisee was to take the early religion out of
Judea and out of Judaism and into the world of the Greeks and Latins.
He really "created" Christianity.
Post by Azure
Ra is part of the teachings of the "Lake of Fire"!
No it is not. Ra is the Sun God. And has no affinity with any lakes of
Post by Azure
Enoch told the tale of the Kingdom.
Enoch was not a real person. And legend says he was a Jewish Prophet,
relative of Noah. He did not tell the tale of the Kingdom, he told
about his meeting with Angels and God. He walked with God and then was
taken up and not seen again.
Post by Azure
Lugh was "The Sun God", the "House of Fire".
No. Ra was the Sun God. Lugh had nothing to do with the Egyptians.
Post by Azure
The Hyksus who conquered Egypt those nasty "Barbarians", the ones who
dared claim to be "Co-Annon".
The Hyskos did not ever "conquer Egypt."They took over a part of the
area of the Nile Delta. Which the Egyptians reclaimed later.
Post by Azure
Tara was an intense place.
This is a meaningless statement.
Post by Azure
The Kingdom of "Europe".
Tara is the island called Ireland.
Post by Azure
From the Atlantic to the Black Sea, Danube to the Mediterranean.
This is untrue. This area was always refered to as Europa.
Post by Azure
Celts expanded the holdings to include the lands across the river also,
making the Northern Border thereafter the Dan River.
Again this is more nonsense from Azure.

Once again this is all just how one person named Azure sees himself
and has not one thing to do with history or reality,

2008-04-30 04:02:31 UTC
Post by David St. Albans
Post by Azure
Post by Darrick
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Christianity"
Christos is far older, Yes!
No. "Christos" is not "far older."
Yes "IT IS"!
Apollo was a Christos, the teaching goes back to the Sacred Band of

Christos means one who is
Post by David St. Albans
Christened. One who is "annointed."
Far older than Jesus that is for sure!

In Judaism the one anointed of
Post by David St. Albans
God is the Chosen Savior of the People, King, Messiah and Prophet.
Been a Few over the years, Jesus was the most recent is all.
Bel was the First!
Post by David St. Albans
Jesus was a Jew. Not a Christian.
He came only for them.
I speak to people "Of All Places"!
Gay's exist everywhere, in every society, and under every religion.

He was sent, (if he believed that at
Post by David St. Albans
all and there is no evidence that he ever said he was, but only
alluded to it), to save His People.
People like you did not like such garbage and had him crucified!

The Chosen people of God, The
Post by David St. Albans
Jews. He was not slated as the savior of mankind.
He worked off of a Legend which "is" based on it.
The Churches for their own purposes replaced the true teachings with
Same as the Jews did with the Golden Cow as soon as Moses turned his
Post by David St. Albans
Post by Azure
Post by Darrick
The Religion of Jesus was MAZDAYAZNAN (i.e. Zoroastrianism)
No it was not.
Prove it Bigot!
Post by David St. Albans
Post by Azure
Post by Darrick
"Mazdayaznan" (Mazda-Worshipping)
Judaism did have elements of the cult of Ahura-Mazda in it. However
Jesus was not raised by the Persians. He was raised as a Jew in the
very strict way of the Essenes.
No he took off for the period from the age of I believe 12 until he
started Ministering.

He was a Therapeut. A healer and a
Post by David St. Albans
rabbi in the tradtion of the Qumuran Community.
Gaelic were the "Healers", Jethro, Jetrux, G 3's of the Arianhod.
Post by David St. Albans
In fact there were three Jesus' Or "Joshuas" (I.e. Saviors) at the
same time. One was a philosopher and healer. One was a revolutionary
or "insurgent" against Rome, and one was a traveling Rabbi who did
"magic." The three were all crucified, not at the same time but in the
same era. their words and teachings were fused much later into what
was called the Nazarene religion or early Christianity. Paul, a
converted Rabbi and Pharisee was to take the early religion out of
Judea and out of Judaism and into the world of the Greeks and Latins.
He really "created" Christianity.
Replaced it is more like it!
Post by David St. Albans
Post by Azure
Ra is part of the teachings of the "Lake of Fire"!
No it is not. Ra is the Sun God.
The Lake of Fire "TWIT"!

And has no affinity with any lakes of
Post by David St. Albans
How do Cave Men describe the SUN, a LAKE of Fire, the White Light is
Also a Lake of Fire, like onto the Sun a Light none my look upon.
Post by David St. Albans
Post by Azure
Enoch told the tale of the Kingdom.
Enoch was not a real person.
Prove it.
If the Story is Real in any way it is real as a lineage of a people.
Prove they do not exist.

And legend says he was a Jewish Prophet,
Post by David St. Albans
relative of Noah.

He did not tell the tale of the Kingdom,

Read the Book of Enoch!

he told
Post by David St. Albans
about his meeting with Angels and God. He walked with God
Through the Kingdom and described in detail the Kingdom, "Rivers and
Lakes of FIRE"!

and then was
Post by David St. Albans
taken up and not seen again.
No he walked with God.
One day before God is as 1,000 years to man.
No one was there who knew him when he came back.
Post by David St. Albans
Post by Azure
Lugh was "The Sun God", the "House of Fire".
No. Ra was the Sun God.
So was LUGH illiterate Bigot!

Lugh had nothing to do with the Egyptians.

Prove it.
The Hyksus conquered Egypt.
The "REDS"!
Post by David St. Albans
Post by Azure
The Hyksus who conquered Egypt those nasty "Barbarians", the ones who
dared claim to be "Co-Annon".
The Hyskos did not ever "conquer Egypt."They took over a part of the
area of the Nile Delta. Which the Egyptians reclaimed later.
Up Yours, revisionist historian, they "Conquered"!
Post by David St. Albans
Post by Azure
Tara was an intense place.
This is a meaningless statement.
To an illiterate fool like you.
Post by David St. Albans
Post by Azure
The Kingdom of "Europe".
Tara is the island called Ireland.
No it was the SEAT of the KING OF KINGS, or Chieftain of Chieftains.
Also the Island of Women, the Tribes of Amahon.
Amazon to the likes of you.
Post by David St. Albans
Post by Azure
From the Atlantic to the Black Sea, Danube to the Mediterranean.
This is untrue.
No you are a foul Bigoted Liar!

This area was always refered to as Europa.
It was also always known as GAUL!
Post by David St. Albans
Post by Azure
Celts expanded the holdings to include the lands across the river also,
making the Northern Border thereafter the Dan River.
Again this is more nonsense from Azure.
No more proof of your illiteracy!
Post by David St. Albans
Once again this is all just how one person named Azure sees himself
and has not one thing to do with history or reality,
Right your mouth says so!
Illiterate fool!
Post by David St. Albans
Saint Bigot!
David St. Albans
2008-04-30 18:00:05 UTC
Post by Azure
Yes "IT IS"!
Apollo was a Christos, the teaching goes back to the Sacred Band of
Let's face it. Azure has this habit , as Mark does, of believing
ancient religious mythical characters are "real" or were "real."
Unfortunately for Azure and her "doctrines" (much of which I've
snipped, since most of the above is all anyone needs to put a hole in
her vaunted arguments)...it is all based on the fallacy that someone
like Apollo (The Sun God of the Greeks) was a "real person" who taught
people in Ancient Thebes. Even the ancient Greek Philosophers like
Socrates told people NOT to believe in the Greek Myths. They were made
up stories and intelligent people knew that.

Not to mention which, Jewish annointing, was done by a Jewish Prophet
on the head of a Jewish King, with Holy Oils, and a certain ritual of
prayers and rites were added to this sanctification process. The
Greeks did NOT do this. Therefore Apollo (a god, not a king) was NOT a
Christos. He was not an annointed human king. Nor was he savior of his
"people." In fact he could be a right bastard, like stripping the skin
off of a person for a minor infraction against his holy personage!
Azure knows nothing about any of these deities or rites he talks
about. One sentence from him proves it. Apollo was not a Christ.
Apollo was already a god. He already ruled from bfore the birth of
men. Not being a man, he had no "people." So he was not a teacher or a
savior or a king of his people. Therefore not a Christ.


2008-05-03 02:39:32 UTC
Post by David St. Albans
Post by Azure
Yes "IT IS"!
Apollo was a Christos, the teaching goes back to the Sacred Band of
Let's face it. Azure has this habit , as Mark does, of believing
ancient religious mythical characters are "real" or were "real."
Especially when I find them interwoven in my family Tree.
Then when I can see my ancestors and find them as the legend, then you
are a Bigoted Illiterate Book Burning Nazi.
Post by David St. Albans
Unfortunately for Azure and her "doctrines"
Family Tree, the thing the Mormons can't use to identify their own
Ahura Mazda, not my teaching been around for a lot longer than me.
The Truth the thing you erase to laugh at it.
No one can talk to the winds.
Storm Geates are myth like your God.
Your idea is a lie yes.
Doesn't mean God is a lie, because you only understand the lie.
Erasing my prophecies about the weather and my warnings about what
happens this spring, does not stop the weather.
Your idea it isn't happening does not stop the Tornadoes, does not stop
the flood waters, does not stop the winds and blizzards.
I told you, they are "YOUR FAULT"!
You want proof, but your willfully blind.
So God has to smack the guy next to you shitless, so he can get his head
out of his ass.
You will destroy the world with willful blindness.
He likes the way things are going support you.
Don't like the weather, help me stop you.
You threaten the world.
2008-05-04 02:47:12 UTC
Post by David St. Albans
Post by Azure
Yes "IT IS"!
Apollo was a Christos, the teaching goes back to the Sacred Band of
Let's face it. Azure has this habit , as Mark does, of believing
ancient religious mythical characters are "real" or were "real."
First it is no one ever heard of the gobeldie gook I talk of.
Then when it is shown to be ancient teaching you insult it for that.
There is no winning with you.
You are one willfully Blind and Crazed Bigot!
2008-05-06 23:06:45 UTC
Post by David St. Albans
Post by Azure
Post by Darrick
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Christianity"
Christos is far older, Yes!
No. "Christos" is not "far older." Christos means one who is
Christened. One who is "annointed." In Judaism the one annointed of
God is the Chosen Savior of the People, King, Messiah and Prophet.
Jesus was a Jew. Not a Christian. He was sent, (if he believed that at
all and there is no evidence that he ever said he was, but only
alluded to it), to save His People. The Chosen people of God, The
Jews. He was not slated as the savior of mankind.
That is because the role of the Messiah is not self-proclaimed, but
rather it is earned. Jesus knew better than to proclaim himself as
the Messiah, cause he knew he hadn't earned it. They would have
crucified him much sooner if he had, as a false prophet.

Thanks for your interest.
Post by David St. Albans
Post by Azure
Post by Darrick
The Religion of Jesus was MAZDAYAZNAN (i.e. Zoroastrianism)
No it was not.
Post by Azure
Post by Darrick
"Mazdayaznan" (Mazda-Worshipping)
Judaism did have elements of the cult of Ahura-Mazda in it. However
Jesus was not raised by the Persians. He was raised as a Jew in the
very strict way of the Essenes. He was a Therapeut. A healer and a
rabbi in the tradtion of the Qumuran Community.
In fact there were three Jesus' Or "Joshuas" (I.e. Saviors) at the
same time. One was a philosopher and healer. One was a revolutionary
or "insurgent" against Rome, and one was a traveling Rabbi who did
"magic." The three were all crucified, not at the same time but in the
same era. their words and teachings were fused much later into what
was called the Nazarene religion or early Christianity. Paul, a
converted Rabbi and Pharisee was to take the early religion out of
Judea and out of Judaism and into the world of the Greeks and Latins.
He really "created" Christianity.
Post by Azure
Ra is part of the teachings of the "Lake of Fire"!
No it is not. Ra is the Sun God. And has no affinity with any lakes of
Post by Azure
Enoch told the tale of the Kingdom.
Enoch was not a real person. And legend says he was a Jewish Prophet,
relative of Noah. He did not tell the tale of the Kingdom, he told
about his meeting with Angels and God. He walked with God and then was
taken up and not seen again.
Post by Azure
Lugh was "The Sun God", the "House of Fire".
No. Ra was the Sun God. Lugh had nothing to do with the Egyptians.
Post by Azure
The Hyksus who conquered Egypt those nasty "Barbarians", the ones who
dared claim to be "Co-Annon".
The Hyskos did not ever "conquer Egypt."They took over a part of the
area of the Nile Delta. Which the Egyptians reclaimed later.
Post by Azure
Tara was an intense place.
This is a meaningless statement.
Post by Azure
The Kingdom of "Europe".
Tara is the island called Ireland.
Post by Azure
From the Atlantic to the Black Sea, Danube to the Mediterranean.
This is untrue. This area was always refered to as Europa.
Post by Azure
Celts expanded the holdings to include the lands across the river also,
making the Northern Border thereafter the Dan River.
Again this is more nonsense from Azure.
Once again this is all just how one person named Azure sees himself
and has not one thing to do with history or reality,
2008-05-07 07:49:31 UTC
Post by c***@gmail.com
Post by David St. Albans
Post by Azure
Post by Darrick
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Christianity"
Christos is far older, Yes!
No. "Christos" is not "far older." Christos means one who is
Christened. One who is "annointed." In Judaism the one annointed of
God is the Chosen Savior of the People, King, Messiah and Prophet.
Jesus was a Jew. Not a Christian. He was sent, (if he believed that at
all and there is no evidence that he ever said he was, but only
alluded to it), to save His People. The Chosen people of God, The
Jews. He was not slated as the savior of mankind.
That is because the role of the Messiah is not self-proclaimed, but
rather it is earned. Jesus knew better than to proclaim himself as
the Messiah, cause he knew he hadn't earned it. They would have
crucified him much sooner if he had, as a false prophet.
Thanks for your interest.
He has no Interest.
He is a Pure Atheist.
He steals beliefs so he can talk, but he hasn't a clue to the truth.

How can one earn from God something which man does not accept.
You can't claim it, God must Appoint it.
God Appoints, people know your nuts.
A No win situation.
Especially when Dagda, King of the Hounds, must Prove he is God/Avatar.
Can't do it by Orthodox Teachings.
Learned does not get the Job Done.
Only the Led.
The Silver Wheel "Must Tell You Your Name"!
Boy did it tell me mine.
"E/Y L", Mountain, Djaff, Apollo. . . . . . .
All in the Books, like KJV "NUMBERS 13:16, Gen 25:2.
My family.
Rev 22: the Bear of the River is my Mothers House, the Tribe of Law,
House of he who gave the World the Oghm.
I am the Alpha Beta of the "WORD".
My Fathers Family are the "Wee Folk" of the House of Abraham, the
Jacobites of the Syriac Wars.
The Ones Rome would Feed to the Lions, before they stole our Church.
Also the Jacobites of Bonnie Prince Charlie, the American Revolution,
and French Revolution, Fame.
"Gondor Has no King", no he threw such out with the Bath Water when we
formed America.
French Crown gave my family Charter to "New Briton", the "New United
When the French Crown refused to help the people my ancestor gave the
Crown a Sig Hile and walked out to the Court Yard and began the
Got Jailed over it but NOT FOR LONG.
When Jackson needed help we were the Privateers who got Napoleon to
After the Revolution when they tried to go back on the word we were the
Rebellion which brought about the Constitutional Amendments and Bill of
When during the California Gold Rush the Law broke Down we formed the
White Oaks and brought Law to the Barboury Coast.
Albans knows such garbage never happened, even if it did my family was
not involved he can prove it.
Like the Prophecies I wrote he erased from the "SERVER FILES", he will
ignore the Truth and make up lies, that will fix it.

2008-05-07 19:55:01 UTC
Post by Azure
Post by c***@gmail.com
Post by David St. Albans
Post by Azure
Post by Darrick
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Christianity"
Christos is far older, Yes!
No. "Christos" is not "far older." Christos means one who is
Christened. One who is "annointed." In Judaism the one annointed of
God is the Chosen Savior of the People, King, Messiah and Prophet.
Jesus was a Jew. Not a Christian. He was sent, (if he believed that at
all and there is no evidence that he ever said he was, but only
alluded to it), to save His People. The Chosen people of God, The
Jews. He was not slated as the savior of mankind.
That is because the role of the Messiah is not self-proclaimed, but
rather it is earned. Jesus knew better than to proclaim himself as
the Messiah, cause he knew he hadn't earned it. They would have
crucified him much sooner if he had, as a false prophet.
Thanks for your interest.
He has no Interest.
He is a Pure Atheist.
He steals beliefs so he can talk, but he hasn't a clue to the truth.
How can one earn from God something which man does not accept.
You can't claim it, God must Appoint it.
God Appoints, people know your nuts.
A No win situation.
Especially when Dagda, King of the Hounds, must Prove he is God/Avatar.
Can't do it by Orthodox Teachings.
Learned does not get the Job Done.
Only the Led.
The Silver Wheel "Must Tell You Your Name"!
Boy did it tell me mine.
"E/Y L", Mountain, Djaff, Apollo. . . . . . .
All in the Books, like KJV "NUMBERS 13:16, Gen 25:2.
My family.
Rev 22: the Bear of the River is my Mothers House, the Tribe of Law,
House of he who gave the World the Oghm.
I am the Alpha Beta of the "WORD".
My Fathers Family are the "Wee Folk" of the House of Abraham, the
Jacobites of the Syriac Wars.
The Ones Rome would Feed to the Lions, before they stole our Church.
Also the Jacobites of Bonnie Prince Charlie, the American Revolution,
and French Revolution, Fame.
"Gondor Has no King", no he threw such out with the Bath Water when we
formed America.
French Crown gave my family Charter to "New Briton", the "New United
When the French Crown refused to help the people my ancestor gave the
Crown a Sig Hile and walked out to the Court Yard and began the
Got Jailed over it but NOT FOR LONG.
When Jackson needed help we were the Privateers who got Napoleon to
After the Revolution when they tried to go back on the word we were the
Rebellion which brought about the Constitutional Amendments and Bill of
When during the California Gold Rush the Law broke Down we formed the
White Oaks and brought Law to the Barboury Coast.
Albans knows such garbage never happened, even if it did my family was
not involved he can prove it.
Like the Prophecies I wrote he erased from the "SERVER FILES", he will
ignore the Truth and make up lies, that will fix it.
I don't believe you for a second. He speaks the truth, you speak half
truths. It does not matter to me if he wants to acknowledge my
presence or NOT, cause I acknowledge his. He has much to learn
in dealing with people like you. We can't be all right, all the time,
as there is no such thing as "perfection" among humans. It is a myth
and a fantasy.

Peace be with you..

They call me Bruce
2008-05-08 05:46:47 UTC
Post by c***@gmail.com
Post by Azure
Post by c***@gmail.com
Post by David St. Albans
Post by Azure
Post by Darrick
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Christianity"
Christos is far older, Yes!
No. "Christos" is not "far older." Christos means one who is
Christened. One who is "annointed." In Judaism the one annointed of
God is the Chosen Savior of the People, King, Messiah and Prophet.
Jesus was a Jew. Not a Christian. He was sent, (if he believed that at
all and there is no evidence that he ever said he was, but only
alluded to it), to save His People. The Chosen people of God, The
Jews. He was not slated as the savior of mankind.
That is because the role of the Messiah is not self-proclaimed, but
rather it is earned. Jesus knew better than to proclaim himself as
the Messiah, cause he knew he hadn't earned it. They would have
crucified him much sooner if he had, as a false prophet.
Thanks for your interest.
He has no Interest.
He is a Pure Atheist.
He steals beliefs so he can talk, but he hasn't a clue to the truth.
How can one earn from God something which man does not accept.
You can't claim it, God must Appoint it.
God Appoints, people know your nuts.
A No win situation.
Especially when Dagda, King of the Hounds, must Prove he is God/Avatar.
Can't do it by Orthodox Teachings.
Learned does not get the Job Done.
Only the Led.
The Silver Wheel "Must Tell You Your Name"!
Boy did it tell me mine.
"E/Y L", Mountain, Djaff, Apollo. . . . . . .
All in the Books, like KJV "NUMBERS 13:16, Gen 25:2.
My family.
Rev 22: the Bear of the River is my Mothers House, the Tribe of Law,
House of he who gave the World the Oghm.
I am the Alpha Beta of the "WORD".
My Fathers Family are the "Wee Folk" of the House of Abraham, the
Jacobites of the Syriac Wars.
The Ones Rome would Feed to the Lions, before they stole our Church.
Also the Jacobites of Bonnie Prince Charlie, the American Revolution,
and French Revolution, Fame.
"Gondor Has no King", no he threw such out with the Bath Water when we
formed America.
French Crown gave my family Charter to "New Briton", the "New United
When the French Crown refused to help the people my ancestor gave the
Crown a Sig Hile and walked out to the Court Yard and began the
Got Jailed over it but NOT FOR LONG.
When Jackson needed help we were the Privateers who got Napoleon to
After the Revolution when they tried to go back on the word we were the
Rebellion which brought about the Constitutional Amendments and Bill of
When during the California Gold Rush the Law broke Down we formed the
White Oaks and brought Law to the Barboury Coast.
Albans knows such garbage never happened, even if it did my family was
not involved he can prove it.
Like the Prophecies I wrote he erased from the "SERVER FILES", he will
ignore the Truth and make up lies, that will fix it.
I don't believe you for a second.
I don't believe you!
Makes us even.
You spout verbatim Lies from Albans and DArt Deco, the Internet's "Worst

He speaks the truth,

NO, he is a Liar like you.
Cross Posters who haunt every Metaphysical Group.
Pretending to Be either a Member of the Group then twisting the truth to
spread discord, or invading the group pretending to be Christian.
Go hunt the Christian Right, they are the Liars.
Everyone else has their own beliefs.
Christians can't stand that.
You want to bring back Nimrod.
I don't.
Been done, doesn't work.
Only the sharing and study of "All Religion" is the answer.
My God is better than yours is but WAR.
Your God is a Lie, is the same WAR.
Only Stupid Twits try to wage WAR with the Descendants of Lugh/MARS!
Oh forgot, you believe there was no Lugh, just a myth.
That was why Rome was so afraid of his Tribes.
Why Rome made him Mars.
Why Rome identified Territories which were the Possessions of Mars.
Because the whole thing never existed.

That he stole from others so he could pretend to you speak half
Post by c***@gmail.com
truths. It does not matter to me if he wants to acknowledge my
presence or NOT, cause I acknowledge his.
That is your MISTAKE.
I do not intend to give up the God "I SAW" so I can believe in Albans
Lies he knows to be MYTH!

He has much to learn

Sure does, he is just a Plastic Newbie.
Post by c***@gmail.com
in dealing with people like you.
Yep can stop war by waging war.

We can't be all right, all the time,

Albans thinks he can be.
Post by c***@gmail.com
as there is no such thing as "perfection" among humans.
Nope never was.
I don't claim to be perfect either.
Nor do I claim to be GOD.
Only GOD is GOD.
Man is but Flesh and Blood, including Jesus, Buddha, Rama, Apollo,
Dagda, and so many more.

It is a myth and a fantasy.

Yep, everything you know is wrong.
Rome was not a Great Place, it was the most Bigoted Nasty Murderous
Nation LIFE ever knew.
Started from Raping women and kept right on going.
Hated Egyptians, Greeks, Women, Gays, Strangers, Barbarians, "Anyone who
But people don't understand, there is the Grecko/Roman/Egyptian way, and
there is the European Barbarians who walked away from such garbage.
Post by c***@gmail.com
Peace be with you..
They call me Bruce
David St. Albans
2008-05-07 20:02:35 UTC
Post by Azure
He has no Interest.
He is a Pure Atheist.
He steals beliefs so he can talk, but he hasn't a clue to the truth.
Who on earth is she talking to now??? Cisco? Me? Herself?
Post by Azure
How can one earn from God something which man does not accept.
One earns nothing from God. God give unconditionally. The Universe is
set up for our benefit. Not to "earn points." We are God.
Post by Azure
You can't claim it, God must Appoint it.
No You can claim it. In fact you MUST claim it. The thing about being
Messiah is, however within the confines of that culture of Judea, one
had to be annointed...not appointed. One had to be chosen by God via a
High Priest and/or a prophet. In the Bible John was the Prophet who
annointed Jesus. However he was NOT accepted by the High Priesthood,
who eventually had him crucified for his affrontery. Later the High
Priesthood of Jerusalem and allof Israel was destroyed and the temple
pulled down. This ended the Sacrificial Epoch of the Jews. Judaism had
to reform. It became much different. Eventually Catholicism took over
the whole Temple of God idea and Latinized it. What was left was a
religion which did a lot of harm. But it also did a lot of good.

However since it was based on the idea that a man named Jesus haad
been also a God and was designated Christ, who was later crucified for
his affront to God and his own religion, it has since fractured into
many minor pieces, none of which can pull together the faith of the
people. it is pretty much a dead issue except for those superstitious
enough to believe that others should be put in charge of their lives.
Azure is one who wants people to FOLLOW her or him and become willing
thralls to some new concept that all the freaks of the world shall
bring about some sort of enlightenment. Well, we can see by her crazy
utterances that nothing she says could be mistaken for any kind of
religious knowledge, spiritual power or official office of any God

People who are truly spiritual leaders, prophets and ministers DO NOT.
I repeat DO NOT...go around calling people filthy things like
pedophiles, book burning Nazis, child rapists, or plagiarists...well,
nit unless you're a Holy Roman Catholic. Then you HIRE pedophiles,
child rapists, and you make Nazis your pope!

The time for this trash religion which destroyed Judaism and Jerusalem
when it was Rome then tried to take over the world in the name of
Christ, is at an end. The only End Times is for the whole of Christian
Religion. It has lost all of its moral high ground (if indeed it ever
had any.)

All Azure does is rehash a lot of bogus heresies, myths, paganistic
relgious motifs, and adds in a healty does of UFO belief and her own
religious psychosis, in order to try and produce a meme that can
infect others with her sense of heatred for all rationality and adhere
them to incorrect social mores and values which are debased, cruel and
sick. It is obvious to most people that this person is insane.

As for his vendetta against me. People become obsessed with me on this
NG all the time. I really do not get it. But they will spend years
calling me nearly every name in the book, and some which aren't
written down anywhere! Hehe! The wonderful thing is, only the obsessed
person gives a rat's behind.
Post by Azure
God Appoints, people know your nuts.
Here's a statment which makes no sense at all!
Post by Azure
A No win situation.
So follow Azure. It's a No Win situation!
Post by Azure
Especially when Dagda, King of the Hounds, must Prove he is God/Avatar.
Can't do it by Orthodox Teachings.
Learned does not get the Job Done.
Only the Led.
The Silver Wheel "Must Tell You Your Name"!
Again, gobbledy-gook from an insane ranter must be <snipped>
2008-05-07 20:21:15 UTC
Post by David St. Albans
Post by Azure
He has no Interest.
He is a Pure Atheist.
He steals beliefs so he can talk, but he hasn't a clue to the truth.
Who on earth is she talking to now??? Cisco? Me? Herself?
Post by Azure
How can one earn from God something which man does not accept.
One earns nothing from God. God give unconditionally. The Universe is
set up for our benefit. Not to "earn points." We are God.
Post by Azure
You can't claim it, God must Appoint it.
No You can claim it. In fact you MUST claim it. The thing about being
Messiah is, however within the confines of that culture of Judea, one
had to be annointed...not appointed. One had to be chosen by God via a
High Priest and/or a prophet. In the Bible John was the Prophet who
annointed Jesus. However he was NOT accepted by the High Priesthood,
who eventually had him crucified for his affrontery. Later the High
Priesthood of Jerusalem and allof Israel was destroyed and the temple
pulled down. This ended the Sacrificial Epoch of the Jews. Judaism had
to reform. It became much different. Eventually Catholicism took over
the whole Temple of God idea and Latinized it. What was left was a
religion which did a lot of harm. But it also did a lot of good.
However since it was based on the idea that a man named Jesus haad
been also a God and was designated Christ, who was later crucified for
his affront to God and his own religion, it has since fractured into
many minor pieces, none of which can pull together the faith of the
people. it is pretty much a dead issue except for those superstitious
enough to believe that others should be put in charge of their lives.
Azure is one who wants people to FOLLOW her or him and become willing
thralls to some new concept that all the freaks of the world shall
bring about some sort of enlightenment. Well, we can see by her crazy
utterances that nothing she says could be mistaken for any kind of
religious knowledge, spiritual power or official office of any God
People who are truly spiritual leaders, prophets and ministers DO NOT.
I repeat DO NOT...go around calling people filthy things like
pedophiles, book burning Nazis, child rapists, or plagiarists...well,
nit unless you're a Holy Roman Catholic. Then you HIRE pedophiles,
child rapists, and you make Nazis your pope!
The time for this trash religion which destroyed Judaism and Jerusalem
when it was Rome then tried to take over the world in the name of
Christ, is at an end. The only End Times is for the whole of Christian
Religion. It has lost all of its moral high ground (if indeed it ever
had any.)
All Azure does is rehash a lot of bogus heresies, myths, paganistic
relgious motifs, and adds in a healty does of UFO belief and her own
religious psychosis, in order to try and produce a meme that can
infect others with her sense of heatred for all rationality and adhere
them to incorrect social mores and values which are debased, cruel and
sick. It is obvious to most people that this person is insane.
As for his vendetta against me. People become obsessed with me on this
NG all the time. I really do not get it. But they will spend years
calling me nearly every name in the book, and some which aren't
written down anywhere! Hehe! The wonderful thing is, only the obsessed
person gives a rat's behind.
Post by Azure
God Appoints, people know your nuts.
Here's a statment which makes no sense at all!
Post by Azure
A No win situation.
So follow Azure. It's a No Win situation!
Post by Azure
Especially when Dagda, King of the Hounds, must Prove he is God/Avatar.
Can't do it by Orthodox Teachings.
Learned does not get the Job Done.
Only the Led.
The Silver Wheel "Must Tell You Your Name"!
Again, gobbledy-gook from an insane ranter must be <snipped>
Well, you got my vote. So when do we compare notes?

Peace be with you..

They call me Bruce
David St. Albans
2008-05-08 02:44:06 UTC
Post by c***@gmail.com
Post by David St. Albans
Post by Azure
He has no Interest.
He is a Pure Atheist.
He steals beliefs so he can talk, but he hasn't a clue to the truth.
Who on earth is she talking to now??? Cisco? Me? Herself?
Post by Azure
How can one earn from God something which man does not accept.
One earns nothing from God. God give unconditionally. The Universe is
set up for our benefit. Not to "earn points." We are God.
Post by Azure
You can't claim it, God must Appoint it.
No You can claim it. In fact you MUST claim it. The thing about being
Messiah is, however within the confines of that culture of Judea, one
had to be annointed...not appointed. One had to be chosen by God via a
High Priest and/or a prophet. In the Bible John was the Prophet who
annointed Jesus. However he was NOT accepted by the High Priesthood,
who eventually had him crucified for his affrontery. Later the High
Priesthood of Jerusalem and allof Israel was destroyed and the temple
pulled down. This ended the Sacrificial Epoch of the Jews. Judaism had
to reform. It became much different. Eventually Catholicism took over
the whole Temple of God idea and Latinized it. What was left was a
religion which did a lot of harm. But it also did a lot of good.
However since it was based on the idea that a man named Jesus haad
been also a God and was designated Christ, who was later crucified for
his affront to God and his own religion, it has since fractured into
many minor pieces, none of which can pull together the faith of the
people. it is pretty much a dead issue except for those superstitious
enough to believe that others should be put in charge of their lives.
Azure is one who wants people to FOLLOW her or him and become willing
thralls to some new concept that all the freaks of the world shall
bring about some sort of enlightenment. Well, we can see by her crazy
utterances that nothing she says could be mistaken for any kind of
religious knowledge, spiritual power or official office of any God
People who are truly spiritual leaders, prophets and ministers DO NOT.
I repeat  DO NOT...go around calling people filthy things like
pedophiles, book burning Nazis, child rapists, or plagiarists...well,
nit unless you're a Holy Roman Catholic. Then you HIRE pedophiles,
child rapists, and you make Nazis your pope!
The time for this trash religion which destroyed Judaism and Jerusalem
when it was Rome then tried to take over the world in the name of
Christ, is at an end. The only End Times is for the whole of Christian
Religion. It has lost all of its moral high ground (if indeed it ever
had any.)
All Azure does is rehash a lot of bogus heresies, myths, paganistic
relgious motifs, and adds in a healty does of UFO belief and her own
religious psychosis, in order to try and produce a meme that can
infect others with her sense of heatred for all rationality and adhere
them to incorrect social mores and values which are debased, cruel and
sick. It is obvious to most people that this person is insane.
As for his vendetta against me. People become obsessed with me on this
NG all the time. I really do not get it. But they will spend years
calling me nearly every name in the book, and some which aren't
written down anywhere! Hehe! The wonderful thing is, only the obsessed
person gives a rat's behind.
Post by Azure
God Appoints, people know your nuts.
Here's a statment which makes no sense at all!
Post by Azure
A No win situation.
So follow Azure. It's a No Win situation!
Post by Azure
Especially when Dagda, King of the Hounds, must Prove he is God/Avatar.
Can't do it by Orthodox Teachings.
Learned does not get the Job Done.
Only the Led.
The Silver Wheel "Must Tell You Your Name"!
Again, gobbledy-gook from an insane ranter must be <snipped>
Well, you got my vote. So when do we compare notes?
Peace be with you..
They call me Bruce- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I am eager to compare notes anytime, my friend!

2008-05-07 20:34:47 UTC
Post by David St. Albans
Post by Azure
He has no Interest.
He is a Pure Atheist.
He steals beliefs so he can talk, but he hasn't a clue to the truth.
Who on earth is she talking to now??? Cisco? Me? Herself?
Post by Azure
How can one earn from God something which man does not accept.
One earns nothing from God. God give unconditionally. The Universe is
set up for our benefit. Not to "earn points." We are God.
"We are God". well that is certainly one way to look at it, as we ALL
create God in our own image more often than not! Sad state of affairs
actually, yet we must learn to live with it. Hopefully through reason,
and forgiveness we might actually agree upon "What God Is". cause
he definitely exists for ALL of us.

Peace be with you..

They call me Bruce
Post by David St. Albans
Post by Azure
You can't claim it, God must Appoint it.
No You can claim it. In fact you MUST claim it. The thing about being
Messiah is, however within the confines of that culture of Judea, one
had to be annointed...not appointed. One had to be chosen by God via a
High Priest and/or a prophet. In the Bible John was the Prophet who
annointed Jesus. However he was NOT accepted by the High Priesthood,
who eventually had him crucified for his affrontery. Later the High
Priesthood of Jerusalem and allof Israel was destroyed and the temple
pulled down. This ended the Sacrificial Epoch of the Jews. Judaism had
to reform. It became much different. Eventually Catholicism took over
the whole Temple of God idea and Latinized it. What was left was a
religion which did a lot of harm. But it also did a lot of good.
However since it was based on the idea that a man named Jesus haad
been also a God and was designated Christ, who was later crucified for
his affront to God and his own religion, it has since fractured into
many minor pieces, none of which can pull together the faith of the
people. it is pretty much a dead issue except for those superstitious
enough to believe that others should be put in charge of their lives.
Azure is one who wants people to FOLLOW her or him and become willing
thralls to some new concept that all the freaks of the world shall
bring about some sort of enlightenment. Well, we can see by her crazy
utterances that nothing she says could be mistaken for any kind of
religious knowledge, spiritual power or official office of any God
People who are truly spiritual leaders, prophets and ministers DO NOT.
I repeat DO NOT...go around calling people filthy things like
pedophiles, book burning Nazis, child rapists, or plagiarists...well,
nit unless you're a Holy Roman Catholic. Then you HIRE pedophiles,
child rapists, and you make Nazis your pope!
The time for this trash religion which destroyed Judaism and Jerusalem
when it was Rome then tried to take over the world in the name of
Christ, is at an end. The only End Times is for the whole of Christian
Religion. It has lost all of its moral high ground (if indeed it ever
had any.)
All Azure does is rehash a lot of bogus heresies, myths, paganistic
relgious motifs, and adds in a healty does of UFO belief and her own
religious psychosis, in order to try and produce a meme that can
infect others with her sense of heatred for all rationality and adhere
them to incorrect social mores and values which are debased, cruel and
sick. It is obvious to most people that this person is insane.
As for his vendetta against me. People become obsessed with me on this
NG all the time. I really do not get it. But they will spend years
calling me nearly every name in the book, and some which aren't
written down anywhere! Hehe! The wonderful thing is, only the obsessed
person gives a rat's behind.
Post by Azure
God Appoints, people know your nuts.
Here's a statment which makes no sense at all!
Post by Azure
A No win situation.
So follow Azure. It's a No Win situation!
Post by Azure
Especially when Dagda, King of the Hounds, must Prove he is God/Avatar.
Can't do it by Orthodox Teachings.
Learned does not get the Job Done.
Only the Led.
The Silver Wheel "Must Tell You Your Name"!
Again, gobbledy-gook from an insane ranter must be <snipped>
David St. Albans
2008-05-08 02:50:15 UTC

Thanks for the agreement. That's a very rare commodity around here!
Yes. I believe we are all God. This is not to say that the Whole is
greater than the sum of its parts. It is. God is not JUST some little
shmoe in a room typing this post. God is the culmination and creation
of all things. Before Catholics, there was God. Before Judaism there
was God. Before Dagon and Baal, there was God. Before the first man
carved his first goddess in mastadon ivory, there was God. Before all
of this there was God. But we also all came from God. Long before this
planet or sun existed, we existed as part of God. We cannot be
separated. But we can FEEL separated. And we can try to convince
others we are separated and need some priest or pope or
"specialist" (like Azure claims to be) to get back in with God. Bull.
We only need to recognize God within us and within all.

I will leave it at that for now.

2008-05-08 09:29:13 UTC
Post by David St. Albans
Thanks for the agreement. That's a very rare commodity around here!
Yes. I believe we are all God. This is not to say that the Whole is
greater than the sum of its parts. It is. God is not JUST some little
shmoe in a room typing this post. God is the culmination and creation
of all things. Before Catholics, there was God. Before Judaism there
was God. Before Dagon and Baal, there was God. Before the first man
carved his first goddess in mastadon ivory, there was God. Before all
of this there was God. But we also all came from God. Long before this
planet or sun existed, we existed as part of God. We cannot be
separated. But we can FEEL separated. And we can try to convince
others we are separated and need some priest or pope or
"specialist" (like Azure claims to be) to get back in with God. Bull.
We only need to recognize God within us and within all.
I will leave it at that for now.
You have bent my ear, I will be reviewing your past posts, and hope
to learn more in the process. I know about Jesus, Judaism, and
the Kabbalah. But these other religious beliefs you speak of I know
little of.
Post by David St. Albans
I'll be in touch..

2008-05-08 09:31:06 UTC
Post by c***@gmail.com
Post by David St. Albans
Thanks for the agreement. That's a very rare commodity around here!
Yes. I believe we are all God. This is not to say that the Whole is
greater than the sum of its parts. It is. God is not JUST some little
shmoe in a room typing this post. God is the culmination and creation
of all things. Before Catholics, there was God. Before Judaism there
was God. Before Dagon and Baal, there was God. Before the first man
carved his first goddess in mastadon ivory, there was God. Before all
of this there was God. But we also all came from God. Long before this
planet or sun existed, we existed as part of God. We cannot be
separated. But we can FEEL separated. And we can try to convince
others we are separated and need some priest or pope or
"specialist" (like Azure claims to be) to get back in with God. Bull.
We only need to recognize God within us and within all.
I will leave it at that for now.
You have bent my ear, I will be reviewing your past posts, and hope
to learn more in the process. I know about Jesus, Judaism, and
the Kabbalah. But these other religious beliefs you speak of I know
little of.
Please note, I said nothing of Christianity, and for good reason.
Post by c***@gmail.com
Post by David St. Albans
I'll be in touch..
2008-05-10 05:10:06 UTC
Post by c***@gmail.com
Post by David St. Albans
Thanks for the agreement.
New Age Cultists always agree with their Messiah, everyone else is
That's a very rare commodity around here!

Yeah you ensure it doesn't happen!
Post by c***@gmail.com
Post by David St. Albans
Yes. I believe we are all God.
I don't!
There is but "ONE GOD"!
Doesn't matter which "ONE" they are all part of the same body.
That is why Albans has no Cabal, it is all Mythos, there is no TRUTH!
Mine is a Physical Reality!
Post by c***@gmail.com
You have bent my ear,
You are Biblical there.
You only hear that which tickles your ear.
2008-05-08 05:48:12 UTC
Post by David St. Albans
Post by Azure
He has no Interest.
He is a Pure Atheist.
He steals beliefs so he can talk, but he hasn't a clue to the truth.
Who on earth is she talking to now???
Your "FOLLOWERS", the Bigoted Liars of YOUR "CULT"!
2008-05-08 09:21:05 UTC
Post by Azure
Post by David St. Albans
Post by Azure
He has no Interest.
He is a Pure Atheist.
He steals beliefs so he can talk, but he hasn't a clue to the truth.
Who on earth is she talking to now???
Your "FOLLOWERS", the Bigoted Liars of YOUR "CULT"!
Followers? I gave that up long ago, now I hearken only to my
inner soul. Yer without a clue, and don't even know it!

Peace be with you.. ..maybe someday you will find it!

They call me Bruce
2008-05-10 05:05:28 UTC
Post by c***@gmail.com
Post by Azure
Post by David St. Albans
Post by Azure
He has no Interest.
He is a Pure Atheist.
He steals beliefs so he can talk, but he hasn't a clue to the truth.
Who on earth is she talking to now???
Your "FOLLOWERS", the Bigoted Liars of YOUR "CULT"!

I gave that up long ago, now I hearken only to my
Post by c***@gmail.com
inner soul.
No, you follow the "New Age" "CULT", garbage Albans spouts!

Yer without a clue,

You "WISH"!
You are with out a clue, if you believe that!
Post by c***@gmail.com
Peace be with you..
You go be a nothing so Oil Barons can make more money, they need surfs
like you, people to kow tow before them.

..maybe someday you will find it!

The Day that "We the People" ATONE!
Both to me and too GOD.
They attack my house for telling the Truth about their Fraud against the
People, they Attack Gods House for "GREED".
Like the little town in Texas, wait till they get going with ANWR.
No Religious Mythos involved, it is the Continental Subduction Zone.
Their about to Shake the Shit out of the San Andreas Fault, suck the oil
cushioning the plates from it putting Rock on Rock.
You don't matter, the tree over there doesn't matter, that Caribou does
not matter, the "RAINBOW BRIDGE" does not matter, there is OIL,
Murkowski said "get out of the way or there will be one less star on the
God says, "Get out of the way and there is one less flag".
Post by c***@gmail.com
They call me Bruce
"GOD" called me "LOTUS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2017-11-16 23:21:30 UTC
Partially correct. Except that Jesus was born an Essene Jew. The Essenes were more Zoroastrian in theology than Jewish due to the Persian influence of Zarathustra during the Babylonian captivity when Persia ruled the land of Israel So yes, one may say Jesus was a Zoroastrian. Why do I believe this? Read the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Post by Darrick
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Christianity"
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Judaism"
The Religion of Jesus was MAZDAYAZNAN (i.e. Zoroastrianism)
In Jesus' day, the Zoroastrianism was called by various names (NOT
"The Way"
"The Way of Good"
"The Way of Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds"
"Mazdayaznan" (Mazda-Worshipping)
"The Good Religion"
"The Pure Religion"
Jesus' "religion" was not "Judaism". The religion of the Jews was the
worship of YAH, and did NOT include any belief in the Afterlife.
The Old Testament contains NOTHING about the Afterlife, or any
afterlife rewards or punishments.
When the Jews were taken captive to Babylon for 70 years in 600 B.C.,
they confronted a religion called Masdayasnan. It was also called
Way of Good" or just "The Way". Paul said in Acts that he belonged to
a sect called "The Way".
The Jews that rejected the Persian religion were called Sadducees.
They believed in the Torah only, which says NOTHING of any Paradise
Hell. The Jews that accepted the Persian religion were called
FAROOSHEEM ("Pharisees" in Greek). The name FAROOSHIM meant
in Hebrew.
There were different "Sects" of Pharisees (Faroosheem); one of the
most strict being the NASAREEM (Nazerenes), whose village was called
"Nazareth" (place of the Nazarenes).
In the Gospels Jesus tells the thief on the Cross, "Truly, I say unto
you, this day you will be with me in Pardes".
"Pardes" is NOT a Hebrew or Aramaic nor Greek word. It is FARSEE
(Persian) and comes directly from the religion of Persia. It means
Jesus said, "El is the God of the living and not the god of the
He meant that literally. El, or YAH, is the Persian Angra Mainyu, who
is the "God" of the Material World. The "God" of the Spiritual World
(the dead) is Ahura Mazda: the Only Wise Lord.
YAH did not promise Moses nor the Israelites any Paradise or Hell
because He is not the God of the Spirit World, but rather the God of
the material world, and can only "curse" and "bless" those who are
The Jews had NO belief in the Afterlife UNTIL they were held captive
by the Babylonians (and later Persians who conquered the
The term "Hell" found in the Old Testament is SHOEL and refers to the
cold dead grave, nothing more. The Book of Ecclestiates says "the
known nothing" and that the plans of men END when they are dead. The
term "SOUL" in the Old Testament simply means "Breath" and did not
mean any immortal spirit that survives death. There was NO belief in
an afterlife, no belief in any resurrection of the dead UNTIL the
were taken to Babylon and Persia.
The religion of "Judaism" in Jesus' day was that of the Sadduccees,
and they rejected any notion of any Afterlife, Paradise, Hell, they
considered all these "Persian" doctrines and not Jewish at all.
The God of the Old Testament, who calls Himself "I AM" (YAH) and "I
THAT I AM" (YAHOOWAH) is Angra Mainyu, was an angry and jealous God
who commanded the Canaanites, men women and children, to be killed.
commanded Israelite women (Not men) to be killed for adultery, male
homosexuality (not female), eating shell-fish, breaking the Sabbath,
and using His name in vain. HE IS NOT THE LOVING "FATHER" JESUS TOLD
The loving Heavenly Father is Ahura Mazda, the God of the Dead, the
God of Light (Spiritual Realm) of the ancient Persian Prophet
The religion of Ahura Mazda contains much material, about as much as
the Bible. It describes the TRUTH about Paradise and Hell-fire and
we are saved and judged.
The Religion of Mazda included a special caste of ministers called
"MAGOI". These were hermaphrodytes (men-women) who were considered
dual-spirits (male and female). They were considered to be able to
work supernatural acts (we get the word "MAGIC" from MAGOI--plural
MAGUS). The "three wise men" who saw Jesus' star in the East were
MAGOI. The Prophet Daniel became the Chief Magoi of the Emperor
Nebuchadezzar (Daniel chapter 5). They were ZOROASTRIANS.
It was probably Daniel, during his reign as Rab Mag (Head Magus) for
the Babylonian empire that the belief in the "Messiah" arose among
Jews. He job that directly from the Religion of Mazda.
The Prophet Zoroaster told of three SAYOSHANTS ("Saviors") who would
be born of virgins. One was King Koresh (Cyrus), the Persian Emperor.
Another was Jesus. And the third was born in Jerusalem in 1909, the
son of a Palestinian Christian woman. He performed thousands of
supernatural miracles. His name was DAHESH....
Read more about Him at.....
Alex L
2024-01-24 07:47:21 UTC
Post by Darrick
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Christianity"
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Judaism"
The Religion of Jesus was MAZDAYAZNAN (i.e. Zoroastrianism)
In Jesus' day, the Zoroastrianism was called by various names (NOT
"The Way"
"The Way of Good"
"The Way of Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds"
"Mazdayaznan" (Mazda-Worshipping)
"The Good Religion"
"The Pure Religion"
Jesus' "religion" was not "Judaism". The religion of the Jews was the
worship of YAH, and did NOT include any belief in the Afterlife.
The Old Testament contains NOTHING about the Afterlife, or any
afterlife rewards or punishments.
When the Jews were taken captive to Babylon for 70 years in 600 B.C.,
they confronted a religion called Masdayasnan. It was also called
Way of Good" or just "The Way". Paul said in Acts that he belonged to
a sect called "The Way".
The Jews that rejected the Persian religion were called Sadducees.
They believed in the Torah only, which says NOTHING of any Paradise
Hell. The Jews that accepted the Persian religion were called
FAROOSHEEM ("Pharisees" in Greek). The name FAROOSHIM meant
in Hebrew.
There were different "Sects" of Pharisees (Faroosheem); one of the
most strict being the NASAREEM (Nazerenes), whose village was called
"Nazareth" (place of the Nazarenes).
In the Gospels Jesus tells the thief on the Cross, "Truly, I say unto
you, this day you will be with me in Pardes".
"Pardes" is NOT a Hebrew or Aramaic nor Greek word. It is FARSEE
(Persian) and comes directly from the religion of Persia. It means
Jesus said, "El is the God of the living and not the god of the
He meant that literally. El, or YAH, is the Persian Angra Mainyu, who
is the "God" of the Material World. The "God" of the Spiritual World
(the dead) is Ahura Mazda: the Only Wise Lord.
YAH did not promise Moses nor the Israelites any Paradise or Hell
because He is not the God of the Spirit World, but rather the God of
the material world, and can only "curse" and "bless" those who are
The Jews had NO belief in the Afterlife UNTIL they were held captive
by the Babylonians (and later Persians who conquered the
The term "Hell" found in the Old Testament is SHOEL and refers to the
cold dead grave, nothing more. The Book of Ecclestiates says "the
known nothing" and that the plans of men END when they are dead. The
term "SOUL" in the Old Testament simply means "Breath" and did not
mean any immortal spirit that survives death. There was NO belief in
an afterlife, no belief in any resurrection of the dead UNTIL the
were taken to Babylon and Persia.
The religion of "Judaism" in Jesus' day was that of the Sadduccees,
and they rejected any notion of any Afterlife, Paradise, Hell, they
considered all these "Persian" doctrines and not Jewish at all.
The God of the Old Testament, who calls Himself "I AM" (YAH) and "I
THAT I AM" (YAHOOWAH) is Angra Mainyu, was an angry and jealous God
who commanded the Canaanites, men women and children, to be killed.
commanded Israelite women (Not men) to be killed for adultery, male
homosexuality (not female), eating shell-fish, breaking the Sabbath,
and using His name in vain. HE IS NOT THE LOVING "FATHER" JESUS TOLD
The loving Heavenly Father is Ahura Mazda, the God of the Dead, the
God of Light (Spiritual Realm) of the ancient Persian Prophet
The religion of Ahura Mazda contains much material, about as much as
the Bible. It describes the TRUTH about Paradise and Hell-fire and
we are saved and judged.
The Religion of Mazda included a special caste of ministers called
"MAGOI". These were hermaphrodytes (men-women) who were considered
dual-spirits (male and female). They were considered to be able to
work supernatural acts (we get the word "MAGIC" from MAGOI--plural
MAGUS). The "three wise men" who saw Jesus' star in the East were
MAGOI. The Prophet Daniel became the Chief Magoi of the Emperor
Nebuchadezzar (Daniel chapter 5). They were ZOROASTRIANS.
It was probably Daniel, during his reign as Rab Mag (Head Magus) for
the Babylonian empire that the belief in the "Messiah" arose among
Jews. He job that directly from the Religion of Mazda.
The Prophet Zoroaster told of three SAYOSHANTS ("Saviors") who would
be born of virgins. One was King Koresh (Cyrus), the Persian Emperor.
Another was Jesus. And the third was born in Jerusalem in 1909, the
son of a Palestinian Christian woman. He performed thousands of
supernatural miracles. His name was DAHESH....
Read more about Him at.....
lies and blasphemy
